Will Cryptocurrencies Go Mainstream?

You have a timeframe in mind?

There are pros and cons regarding crypto currencies, and I think that they will need to take some time until they reach their maturity. Maturity means to enter into mainstream, which they will inevitably reach within few years in the future from now. At least, that is my opinion

Thats why the best time to buy is when no one is talking about it :wink:

Cryptocurrencies are doing very well currently, I just want to believe that the evolution is here to stay and not just give false hopes. As things stand right now, I still fear trading cryptocurrencies because of the instability sorrounding them. But I don’t mean to discourage those who enjoy it. It’s just not for everyone

I think the technology is useful and it will, eventually, enter the mainstream fully. But that governments won’t allow it to do so without significant regulation.

I think cryptocurrencies will soon go mainstream. With big and very influential companies like Facebook having declared their interest in the cryptos, there is more hope now for those interested in crypto trading. I just hope it will last and not disappear at some point

There will be another bubble…

i think it is ! But i think once major companies and all the big banks potentially get on board, it will be as popular as the use of Fiat currency… maybe, one day…

They are definitely not mainstream yet. If they were, they would bot be so volatile

good point, but i think this is just because there is still not enough info widely available and easily available for people to get on board and see the benefits of crypto in general…

Yeah, it’s like we kinda need pop-crypto like pop-science :slight_smile:

Well, in visible future it is possible in theory. If we get more stable coins like USDT or TUSD, DAI, etc. That’s the only way current economy might accept crypto as somthing stable and trustworthy.

One can find some pretty volatile fiat currencies too.
I do agree, however, that they are not mainstream yet, but they seem to be moving in that direction.

I think they already are for the share of all paid market they are actually good for ? Or you still haven’t seen anything offline which you can pay with those dirty Bitcoins ?:wink: I already did and it looks good;) There are still not that much shops in my country who are doing all that.

The US as a whole will play catch up to other countries and their acceptance of the industry and creation of products and services. That’s not to say US companies aren’t already moving in this direction, just not actually in the US. Check this out:

Such embraces have come into focus once more on the news that Swiss company Amun AG and U.S. investment firm Invesco are bringing new crypto and blockchain-centric exchange-traded products to market at Switzerland’s SIX stock exchange and the London Stock Exchange, respectively.

Invesco, based in Atlanta, Georgia, has something like $800 MM under management, and they run the brands Invesco and Powershares, among others. So Switzerland and England are just the start of ETF related products. US-based crypto ETF coming soon…

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Yeah, I read that stablecoins can become the only future for crypto

So, you’ve answered your own question. No one wants to buy Venezuelan bolivars

What country are you from?

I also think that cryptos are still not in the mainstream area, but in the near future they might be. Anyway, they are increasing their popularity and there is already large number of business which are developed around these crypto assets

Despite everything, a recent study showed that USA is the country with the highest number of crypto account holders in the world. For a month Americans have visited crypto exchange websites just over 22 million times, followed by Japanese, who visited such sites 6,1 million times,South Koreans with 5,7 million visits and Brits with 3,9 million visits.

The rest of the countries filling the top 10 list are Russia with 3,2 million monthly visits, Brazil with 3,1 million visits, Germany with 2,5 million visits, followed by Vietnam and Turkey with roughly 2,5 million and 2,4 million visits respectively and Canada with slightly over 2 million visits