I started a poll in another category but wanted it in this section.
How long will forex be around? it just seems to be to good to be true {just mean by making money per minute}. I have been doing pretty decent since starting.
By ‘ending’ I mean, will there eventually be one world currency OR will the fluctuation in currency ever end?
I used to worry that forex would disappear, but then I realized that countries will never give up their sovereign currencies. You could use the Euro to argue against me, but look at what happened when they had some debt issues… everyone was screaming “THE EURO IS OVER IT WILL NEVER WORK”.
And the brokers are making so much money off this gig they will fight fiercely to keep this business alive. The internet and the creation of “the electronic market” makes being a retail broker a license to print money. All they have to do is keep the servers running and hire some customer support.
Don’t worry about the industry, it’s pretty safe. Just keep an eye on your own account. The milestones in this business are your quarterly/yearly profits. Week end and even month end numbers can be deceiving…
We will never know for sure, but it was said that bush {and every president within a 40 year time frame} has had an ‘emergency’ currency for when/if the dollar went to crap & we had to merge with Canada & Mexico.
Think about U.S.A., people refer to it as ‘America’ when in fact Canada & Mexico are ‘America’ also.
Don’t ask me specifics about that though, It came from rumers within the military, just general conspiracy talk during down time. But interesting none of the less.
And as far as brokers fighting for it, I hope that keeps it alive, but governing bodies don’t mind shutting down those people, & the ‘elite’ adapt to anything to make their money, so the top ‘elite’ i think would/do already have a back-up plan.
it just seems that it would go to the route of that.
Did you know that chinese workers are making an average of 15% more a year over the past 4-6 years. They are starting to learn about their rights that they never knew existed {human rights, workers rights, etc.} & many companies {dell, apple, etc} are starting to move jobs from mainland to ‘middle of nowhere’ china to keep cost down.
The way it’s going, corporate billionaires are going to be a thing of the past.
If you are a technical trader, all you really care about is market liquidity. Right now EUR/USD is king, but even if the US merged currencies with Canada/Mexico, the Euro/Amero (I think that’s what they call it) pair would be the most liquid currency pair ever conceived! I would love to see that as a trader, and as a Canadian citizen it wouldn’t be a real big hit to my pride
…and about china, I think their modernization will eventually lead/force them to let their currency float, rather than its current dollar peg. That will add the world’s 2nd largest economy to the trading basket, so I see our market of choice expanding over time, rather than contracting…
Might consider adding ‘forever + years’ to the poll list?
I think that there will always be currency to flux against other curencies, considering the whole world doesnt show adequate signs of uniting faster than it is splitting. See Sudan, and the myriad and increasing number of ******kistans! Even with a uniting EAfrica, there will be limitations, say when we get to Zimbabwe, in uniting economies with SA or Angola. Go try flash your dalla in SArabia. Production is always going to be varied and different between regions. Again, the same currency will be worth different in different countries. One dollar is less than one dollar in Somalia.
Apart from maintaining status-quo, brokers are increasing the number of charted instruments as more markets go electronic. The number of tradable currencies should be set to increase as more economies reach global ranking with changing economic fortune between regions and emerging new tiger economies. And the Chinese issue. And lesser capitalism? What I think could happen is a marked increase in volumes traded and overall markets size as time goes, thus higher volatility and more govt interference (some is needed to catch all the rogue brokers) which threatens to edge out the retail trader. Like my favourite GbpJpy not being favourite anymore because I no longer can afford a strictly 2% 150pip stoploss in bliss mkt condition?
I still wonder though how brokers are able to support so much leverage (some like Windsor give you a fixed 500:1 no less). Of course such credit comes from savings, so should all savers wise up and demand fair interest and safer investment for their savings other than lending it to mortgage, if all savers wise up like those Chinese workers and learn the growing forex world, then unit trusts are going out of fashion and leverage is gone, just like it used to be when the markets were born in London.
In those days the government couldn’t make money (they still cant, they make paper) and all monies were worth gold. Where humans changed that its still not clear (somewhere inside Brettonwoods or IMF). Changing economic conditions and ideologies might just seek to return things back to the invisible hand, something similar mathematically if not in a new gold standard. Or privatization of money-making. Now that would break something?