Will forex trading last forever?

Will forex trading last forever???

And other related markets like stocks trading, crypto trading, commodity trading, indices trading, CFDs trading, will all this market last forever???

Nothing lasts for ever.

If and when a one word government takes over the world and brings in a single monetary system then forex will be no more.

Let’s hope that if such a scenario ever unfolds, it’s not in our lifetime

In the vast expanse of time, no market is eternal. Like rivers that carve through landscapes, markets are continually shaped by the forces of human innovation, regulatory shifts, and the ever-changing tapestry of global events. Each market, from stocks to crypto, commodities, indices, and CFDs, reflects the collective human endeavor to understand and harness value. Their longevity will be determined by their ability to adapt to new challenges and technologies, embodying the philosophical notion that change is the only constant in life.

nothing last forever but i think until we are alive there will not be a great change

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Are you worried about the market disappearing and your broker keeping your funds?

Retail forex trading isn’t going away. Worst case “they” increase the barriers to obtaining/funding a trading account with increased capital requirements and other restrictions on leverage and position sizing to price out the little guys.

But I can’t see it going away completely.

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Maybe Forex will last forever, but we will have to learn forever, although our knowledge will never be complete.