Will you guys be trading during this week and the week after the US elections?

Definitely not. Some brokers asked for a higer margin. Not a good opportunity. I’m not confident about my capability and skills.

I will be trading futures/forex/commodities during the election as I was in 2016. The more volatility and wild swings the better for my game plan. Of course I scalp in & out, zig and zag, so prefer we get some big moves. It’s certainly not for everyone, but I’m aware of the risks/ rewards and tend to have a higher degree of tolerance than most.

Longer term traders might get an opportunity to load up on some stocks or rotate out of their current holdings depending on how things go. So many scenarios and possible outcomes at this point!

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This excellent time to check, how my EA behaves in instability time, so yes I will be trading.

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Probably but it will be an relatively unpredictable period

I am still holding on to a short trade on GBP/JPY, which I will closely monitor until it takes my trailing stop out. So, probably I would be in the market throughout the elections. However, I am not planning on placing any new trades until the storm is over.

I also usually avoid trading during big events like this. :open_mouth: And although the possibility of a very active and volatile market might be tempting, I don’t think I’m bold enough to take that leap. :sweat_smile:

Ooooh! :open_mouth: That sounds interesting! I hope you can also share your findings with us. :blush:

Good luck with that trade! :smiley:

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I’m largely staying away until the 9th November now. Especially with EA trading.

Will be trading currencies only as this has been my best week in 2 months as the risk off mood really came into play. Trying to primarily stick to 2 pairs at most. I’m done with stocks until after the election, loll the past two weeks have been killing me.

Good information thanks for sharing

Yea I might I don’t really know? :thinking:

I am planning to take a calculated risk. I will be opening some positions but not planning to trade much. So, I will be going long in Crypto since it seems to be unaffected by the elections. Hoping it to cross 14k mark soon.

For those of you who traded last night, how did things go?

I’m still on the sidelines at least until next week and possibly longer.

Didn’t trade. Like you I’ll prob wait until the week after next…

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I’m already in and won’t change that until things go where I want irrespective of the election outcome.

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I made some money on AUD longs which made up for me missing the Dow cash longs - I was taken by surprise when the Dow shot up before the election even started. But I’d have rather have been long on the Dow.

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Actually, I understand the election result has not yet been called. As the Americans don’t know who will be their next president, technically I still have a chance. I have been out hiking for the day and am home now and will be keeping my phone on just in case.

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I am happy I stayed out of any USD trades. Unless you have a wide SL then it would be a pretty wild ride for sure.
I’m still holding on to 4 other positions, which are bouncing around, so just trying not to look at them too much for the next day or 2.

My Stocks, however, are doing very well.

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Indeed. Didn’t put in any new trades this week though. Did you?

Why do you think that happened? :open_mouth: