Willing to die trying?

by being cautious of getting scammed you wind up scamming yourself out of an opportunity. like i said fear is the enemy, if you are serious about trading. whats the worst that can happen’ will you give up your life savings like an idiot’ will you die?

when it comes to this game you better take every opportunity you can get because lets face it you are likely not connected’ you are a nobody. you are desperate. please lets all stop pretending to be something we are not. i solved trading and i know what mindset errors i made along the way. you guys dont sound like youve solved anything.

taking bits of profit as you go’ really man? if that worked you would all be rich because that is what you are all trying to do. your entitled attitude is the reason you havent made it. you dont know a damn thing but want to act like you do on a forum. drop the act’ stop talking and start listening. jesus christ the human race has a long way to go… so narcissistic

Either ICT or former ICT student trying to emulate - just another wild guess.

It’s all down to being humble :slight_smile:

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you guys poison every thread with this fear based bs. sounds like ict left a deep imprint on you. not everything is a conspiracy

and im a chris lori guy but let me guess’ hes fake too? exactly you sound crazy’ like a crazy uncle that wont shutup

I am afraid you have got the wrong man here. :innocent: I am not him although I do envy his predicting skills and certainly his contacts in high places. But if you wish to learn more about that person then I can recommend a good book for you. You might learn some other useful things along the way! :+1:

Now this is really interesting. We aleady covered the first four steps of the scammer as follows:

And now, as always, we witness the fifth step:

When the scammer finds he is exposed he always attempts to re-elevate himself back to his role as mystic on a pedestal by trashing someone else. It is uncanny how they always do this even though it only deepens the original conviction about the scammer.

Trading is easy and straight-forward. I really don’t know why people try to make it sound so complicated! It is just a business like any other. And it needs to be run like a business with all the same tools and skills as a business. Anyone who has been self-employed knows this instinctively There is no need to try and dress it up as something difficult and needing one to “die” for it!!!

I do understand that it took you many, many years to reach that point but be assured, and comforted, that that is not uncommon. There are also other people here on BP who have also taken so long to get there.

I am happy for you that you have now finally made it and I hope you manage to keep it up - and I think it would be nice for you to share your experiences with others here out of pure kindness rather than selling it and certainly without all the unnecessary drama! :+1: Try it! :slightly_smiling_face:



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you can spin it any way you want. you still dont sound like chris lori’ or stacey burke’ or stephen kalayjian’, they all share an underlying system and they also share a logical ruthlessness where they dont care about your feelings. just like the market

let the readers make up their own minds. those that listen to you will fail and those brave enough to fight fear and pride have a slight chance

This is crazy.


Yeah, so what is this ICT thing? I’ve heard it mentioned before, but not sure what it is.

Well I confess I am pleased to hear that, I prefer to think of my own approach as being unique to me. Thank you. :slight_smile:

After all your experiences, you clearly are aware that there are many ways to approach trading and it is as important to ensure the approach matches one’s own circumstances and pyschology as it is to ensure the approach itself is credible and functional.

For some this may mean day trading (which does not have to mean trading every day!) whereas for others they are more comfortable with working from daily charts with longer term horizons.

Some are more comfortable with TA alone, others with FA. Others work with a combination of the two.

Some will work with a basket of instruments, others will specialise with just one or two.

There IS no single correct way to trade. I am sure you and your peers have developed a successful approach and that is truly a great achievement given the appalling failure rate amongst newcomers. But it is certainly not the only approach that can earn consistently.

This is a forum that caters to the beginners in this business. And it is for learning and assisting and sharing ideas and experiences with others. It is not a just market for recruiting private customers.

So let’s see what you’ve got. Give the newcomers here some example trades and explanatory comments on what you are doing and not doing. Afterall, this is your thread, not mine. I will leave you now to get on with it. :+1: :upside_down_face:


I could do everything to succeed

@SovoS Keeping it real! I’m just going to stop posting cos I always agree with everything you say. OP still hasn’t given any real information or credentials so I’m bowing out of this thread as well. I agree with you, I’ve only stayed in it this long as I feel it’s incumbant on us to remind newbies that there are people out there who may be trying to separate them from their money. But I guess everyone’s over 18 and have their own bank account so the decision is up to them. We’ve tried, in a gentlemanly way, to draw their attention to this, but I guess it’s up to the moderaters now. See you on a different thread! Over and out.


for most people their own ego is the problem. no one wants to admit they dont know. how can you learn if you already know. so when im mean its nothing personal, your ego needs to be shutdown’ unless you want to pretend for the rest of your life, that would suck way worse then a big meanie telling you what you need to hear to wake the fuk up.

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Although I respect your opinion I’m not sure you have to die or become homeless to become successful. However I do think you have to be obsessed and put in TONS of hours. Where we do agree you do have to lose something. What that is varies by person.