Willing to die trying?

i welcome all thoughts on this but i was willing to die trying to solve trading, i was willing to and was homeless at times, this is what worked for me and i cant imagine myself with the success i have now without sacrificing everything for about a decade.

many people half ass their attempt and wonder why they are not seeing progress. i hit the gas hard right from the start and never let up until the end where i finally compiled my current style.

the purpose of this post is to find the people who are not playing around and want this badly. it is a professional sport and most will get cut in tryouts. im looking for that small percentage of people that have thick skin and are all in, and get that its not a hobby, they get that the odds are so stacked against you that success is unlikely, just like becoming a professional athlete, they get that it is a ruthless sport that will chew you up, and mock you as it vomits your worthless ass.

if you agree and understand what i mean, feel free to express yourself here so i can see what you’re about. who knows what opportunities may come of this.

if you dont get it, feel free to speak your peace in rest.


I wouldn’t die trying cos money’s not that important, but I get where you’re coming from. For me trading is a huge part of my life and self-worth. If I was homeless and had nothing but a laptop and a bank account and a little bit od capital I think I could survive by trading.

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thanks for your input blue, lets see what others have to say im looking for a unique mind, no offense

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Waaw I love you mind set
That shows that you are comfortable with your trading skills
Please why not help a newborn baby of Forex become something because I know nothing
I want to know the strategy to make success in trading
Please can you help me grow

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The successful traders know themselves inside out. You need to learn how you will emotionally react to both winning trades and losing ones. Until you can develop a detached mindset, you won’t be successful.

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Great job on finding a working strategy and applying it well!

And do what? I’m curious…

Either way, much respect to you for putting in the work!!! Great job!!! I tip my hat to you.

Since hitting consistent profitability after so much work, how do you think it affected your psychology?

Have you completed Pipsology?

@jcena44 What did you do to stay motivated during times of discouragement? What was your development like?

Trading is none of these things - it is not some monster waiting to eat the unwary - it is a discipline - yes like a sport with it’s rules - train hard, follow the rules, be disciplined.

Shortcut these three and then it’s more likely failure.

JC - good to do a little role play - stimulates the mind :slight_smile:

you make it sound like homework for a college degree, which is highly misleading.

the people i know who’ve made it, we all sound the same. we all agree and when we run into someone that doesn’t, unfortunately that person is categorized as a poser.

there is no need to pretend that you have figured it out. no matter how long its taking you its ok to try and fail. i respect those who try again and again. maybe one day they will realize they need to get more aggressive and slay the monster. i know what it takes to make it on my own and i know whats required to train someone from start to finish. all my students needed a fire lit under their ass so they stop pretending to already know. fake it till you make it doesnt work in this game.

everyone is too busy acting modest as if they have the leverage and trying not to step on anyones toes. instead of being honest with themselves and seeking a mentor.

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Remember me? i think we spoke on a call once. lost ur number. DM me so we can link up again

That’s OK. Can I assume, then, that you don’t want anyone who’s profitable contributing to your thread?

Which group of traders are you looking for replies from?


no that Assumption would be highly inaccurate cuz there are many levels of profitable traders with a different mindset as yours. closer to the unique mind hes looking for

Just a wild guess - those seeking a mentor perhaps?


Well this is a site well-known for its high proportion of newbies. And there have been cases in the past where marketers have come here to entice the gullible and desparate into their product range. But, as we all know, one cannot simply overtly advertise products here for free so one has to concoct a covert “soft” version where one creates the image of being successful and having a strategy that works so that the desparate, gullible and naive send PM’s pleading for the details.

Oh, and it often helps if one can introduce someone who comes here saying things like:

Kind of underlines the authenticity of the ploy.

Obviously, I am not suggesting for one minute this is the case with this thread at all. But that kind of thing has been known to occur, here, on BP, under the mods noses…and phrases like

“i know whats required to train someone from start to finish”
“all my students needed…”
“being honest with themselves and seeking a mentor.”

do tend to raise one’s suspicions in a field that is rampant with people looking to empty the pockets of the desparate, gullible and naive.

But that is not to say that this particular situation is in that league at all. I wouldn’t point a finger, just generalising on common practices that occur from time to time…


Will someone tell me (on this forum, not via messaging) what exactly the “unique mind” is? It’s been referred to a number of times. I know I really shouldn’t be getting drawn into this, but trying to figure out what the heck is going on in this thread is like a puzzle I really need to solve. I suspect it’s some sort of stealth-marketing but I’m giving the OP a chance to prove me wrong! And I must admit it’s fuelling my taste for the bizarre.

Why are you quoting me for? I don’t even know what yr talkin about?

One could anticipate that if someone happened to spot another poster here with whom they have been in contact previously, they would simply send a PM saying “hi, remember me?” and not post it as a public shout on a thread - unless there is an ulterior motive, of course!

Now, I am not saying here that you specifically are doing any such thing, but this is a common element in “soft sell” marketing.

First, the seller “advertises” his own successes and the hard work undergone to achieve that position - this attracts the attention of the gullible and desperate.

Second, he drops the bait that he has students and actually fast lane mentors them to the same state of success - this convinces the gullible and the desparate that they could also be one of them.

Third, an “existing” contact makes a timely “third-party” appearance acknowledging the mentor and, in the eyes of the gullible and the desperate, thus confirming his authenticity.

Fourth, the gullible and desperate send in their PMS to the holy mentor, begging to be accepted into the elites.

However, I am not saying you are playing this role, only that your public declaration of being a former contact, by coincidence, fits that particular role.

Aferall you have said previously on other threads:

You say that you do not know what I am talking about, well read through this thread and you might get some idea of the breadth of the awareness here on BP of such marketing approaches. It happens.

The problem with any kind of public internet activity is that one never knows with whom one is talking. Not their circumstances, not their authenticity, not their intentions or motives, whether they speak the truth or not, whether pics are genuine or photoshopped, whether their profille pics are genuine or a misleader, etc, etc.

Therefore one should always approach any such situation with caution and even a hint of cynicism - especially before parting with any money.

But I am sure you are aware of all this, being a successful trader and mentor to others?


if you get scammed you get scammed’ fear is the enemy.

Exactly! It is always too late after the event.

And precautionary diligence is the vaccine. It still might not prevent it occuring but it should at least minimise the symptoms. :slightly_smiling_face:

Trading is not actually that difficult, it is more a case of being realistic, patient, positive, disciplined - and being content with little bits regularly rather than always striving for the jackpot, reaching for the stars or jumping for the moon.

Afterall, at least for most of us:

Time to move on to other things…


This sentiment should be taken with a big pinch of salt. It’s almost like you’re saying, @jcena44 that we should not be cautious about being scammed.

Just give this thread simple yes/no answers - are you (or a group you are affiliated with) providing mentorship? If so, is any money or capital required in order to be accepted into your group or the group you are affiliated with?

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sovos you dont sound like my peers’ we’ve all made it and we all disagree with you. are you sure you’ve solved daytrading or are you trying to impress people you dont know on a forum?

theres people seeking the truth and you do them a disservice with this politically correct garbage.