Windows 8 preview

Here’s a sneak preview of the [B]Windows 8 OS[/B] due for release (probably) in Fall 2012.

Windows 8 will represent a major overhaul in the computer-user interface.

Have a look — Microsoft’s Windows 8 Demo From D9 (Video) – AllThingsD

i think i will stick with windows 7

I prefer Mac :slight_smile: Cool preview tho.

I just cant imagine typing on a vertical surface.

I agree plus I think we will wake up some morning to read that MS will no longer support XP, & Vista.

Yes, I’ve seen this as well. I have to say that if this turns out as good as it looks, Windows 8 will probably be how Microsoft finally manages to reclaim the throne. It looks [B]really [/B]promising.

I might have more interest if they included the new technology that projects the keyboard down onto the tabletop.
I project an image of a keyboard and you can type on it.
Always had me wondering haw it overcomes the shadows of your hands.

It seems a long time to wait till for the release date but I expect it will be worth the wait (hopefully!)

Looks cool but I personally prefer Linux.

figures just as I step up and get windows7 they will come out with windows8 I am so behind the times

In order to maitain a flow of income you have to keep coming out with new versions. If it ain’t broke, break it. I still use windows xp because it’s like an old car before the computer age. You can get in there and tinker with the inner workings.

With that logic I should still be using Windows 95 :smiley:

help! I can’t see throught the fingerprints on my screen!

Why don’t they make one of those magic transparent screens like on CSI Miami ?

Oh no! I wiped the smudges off my screen and erased my whole hard drive! :17:

Well said, TalonD!

I use Linux since a couple of decades and Virtualbox with xp as guest system. Does well for trading with Metatrader on my 6 years old laptop.

A friend of mine just retired after running a retail shop for 20+ years. Get this - their accounting system was still DOS! Fortunately we have a big IBM plant here with lots of retirees so he could always find someone to tweak it if needed. But DOS accounting never needed much tweaking so he was way ahead cost wise.

I like Win7 and will stay with it until forced to move on.

At work we still use some programs coded in IBM system 36 which dates back to the 60s and 70s. It’s antique but it works.

Today at work I got a referral case where the referring dentist had sent x-rays on a floppy disk. We couldn’t even use it since we no longer have any floppy disk drives LOL. Had to x-ray the patient because of that. Can’t help wondering what version of OS that dentist might be running…


If you use Linux and run Win XP within Virtualbox do you still need to go through the “Windows Product Activation” process?


I did not install that for a looooong time again, because I have an hd image actually and can juggle with that around. So I am not 100% sure if I did that. My guess is that yes, you have to do that via the installation process. Virtualbox is just a virtual machine application and what you install there depends on your own preference. Anyways, you can check that for yourself. Just install Virtualbox from Oracle, which is for free and then try to install from a xp cd. I hope that helps. :slight_smile:

Yep, Microsoft still expects a useable copy of windows installed on a system to be registered so you would have to activate it.

There is a but…BUT…I don’t think it’s legal [insert zipped mouth smiley here] :slight_smile:

people will hate windows 8 im sure of it

yep you still have to activate it unfortunatly.