Wish me luck

Hi I come from Wigan UK and have been of work for the last year due to a stroke,while Iam of work I started
to buy and sell some shares but found out pretty soon to make a living I would some serious money,so I looked round and saw spreadbetting would suit me fine and especially the forex market being open all week unlike the stock market and I could spend more time learning,now I started with a demo account then decided like a lot of fools to go like but only with around £200 ( dont laughf) I now have about about £125 left back up from £25
I have learnt a lot,I understand about leverage so if I bet a pound on £200 its a lot and not 1% and the first rule is to not loose any capital,I would be looking to deal daily or weekly on the major pairs and look to make about £150 and day or £750 a week to replace my income long term and know its not easy and have a lot to learn,any advice would be welcome so long its usefull and I can learn from it,anyway enough from me and good luck to anyother newbies:44:

Great story. Congrats on your hard work! I’m sure you’ve heard of it, but the best advice at this point is to avoid overconfidence. More importantly, start building your trading strategies, so you’ll know how to repeat decisions that work and avoid those that don’t :slight_smile:

Best of luck on your trading career!