With a 10k account. Isit possible to make a daily 3% returns? What's the best strategy to use? Which pair of currencies to concentrate on?

Yeah, it is scary how few people understand basic statistics and logical fallacies.

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3% a day is a good profit, but you also have to risk at least 3% or more to achieve it.

would you want to, though?

surely it might be much better to hold on another year or two and buy the Netherlands, instead? :zipper_mouth_face:


Average? make 9% today and lose 3% tomorrow and your two day average is 3%, still not realistic

How much anyone makes should be a private matter, for my own trading I use the S&P 500
as my benchmark , if my returns are not beating this market average then I am wasting my time trading. Most (99%) traders would make more money just buying the SPY ETF

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And only top pro traders would kill to make an average of 3% per month. Top Index-linked funds only make around 12 -15% per annum.

Which is the reality of FX trading. Maybe we should all gamble on bitcoin instead - make a million and retire…


I guess it’s possible but I’m not sure you would be able to keep it up and would be better making less consistently.

Do you mean better than 99.9% traders of the world.
AFAIK only Jim Simons is averaging more than 30% per year.

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Depends on your trading style, if you aren’t sure, then you shouldn’t be going live tbh.

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The better question is " With a 10K account can you beat the broad market" Using the S&P 500 as our broad market, it finished the month up 11.6% for the year, that 10K would now be worth about 11.6K plus dividends

A real test to anyone’s trading skills is to put half your money into the SPY and Trade the other half and see which account does better at years end, my money would be on the SPY


You are very confident


It is those you have cautious around

All of us had that question in mind when we were starting. You can achieve that only after you have done all your homework and may take you years to have the skills to achieve it. First thing first, learn. Use demo accounts first. Once you achieve your monthly goal in 6 months or more, you may be ready.

Jumps to babypips.com/school first. Then search youtube and udemy for more advanced learning. Search for Rob Booker, No Nonsense Forex, or Trading with Rayner. If you are busy to study on a regular basis, try and test Robots. Test on demo accounts first. Search fxfledgling in MQL5 site, or join Quick Dragon in Patreon.

There are also a lot of good ebooks about Forex trading in Amazon.

I hope this helps.

Hey TotoCayetano, do you speak spanish? How can get in contact with you? in order to get an advice :slight_smile:

It’s been awhile , I see you still doing what 95% of what others are not doing. Doing the same and getting great results on this account I started
