World Cup Trading Championship | with live MYFXBOOK

Hello, creating a thread to journal my performance in the world cup trading championship. I also have a live myfxbook nothing to hide.

Results so far 7 days into the competition stay tuned. I’ve seen a lot of people attempt this but none really succeed. Just want to provide some hope out there.

Hey cool! Didn’t know this was a thing. What’s the winner get? Good luck!

Thank you. It’s actually been around for I think like 34 years. Used to be the robins trading group I believe. Winning this is how Larry Williams and Chuck Huges got their name basically.

To follow the results on a day by day basis go here. I will update results on this forum once a week throughout the full 12 months of the championship. It’s hard to believe I used to recommend baby pips to people 8 years ago. Just wild this site is still going strong.

[Edited for a Forums Violation]

Ah cool. Is there a way to see everybody in a specific market/group or just the top 5. Can’t figure it out.

So they have the forex world cup and the futures world cup. Then they have the global cup where futures and forex traders compete against each other from June to June. The world cup starts in January. for both divisions. I like the global more because I can complete against the futures and forex traders. Yeah they only show the top 5. Check out Larry Williams back in 85 I think. Then his daughter (yes the actress) won I think in the 90s pretty cool.

Account now at almost 10% Global cup trading championship. 7 trading days into it.