World Politics, Good Or Bad

If you read my whole post ypou will see that GB is not “My Country” any more and I submit that USA is not “Your Country” anymore - so what’s to defend ?

best wishes to you too :sunglasses:

The DOW, S&P, and Nasdaq all reached record levels in Nov and Dec of 2021.

Does that make President Biden’s policies more beneficial to a trader?

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Joe Biden is an embarrassment as a politician.

Title of thread has been change

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Has the indictment fizzled out?

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Now we can discuss all politics that will include the indictment when it comes about

Meanwhile, you guys can keep the thread active as you have been doing.

the politics of islam is deep and complicated.

this youtube channel has a video that explains that the colors of the palestinian flag(black, red, white and pale green) are the exact same colors of the four horses in the christian book of revelations.

this is probably one of the more interesting issues that i have learned about in the study of religion.

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haha, BLM has been a thorn in everyone’s side! haha

Except the race hustlers like Al Sharpton, etc.


And all the politicians that profited from it. The whole thing was a joke. There are more blacks that get killed by other blacks, than there are blacks killed by white officers.

Where was BLM when blacks attack/kill blacks?

Let’s not make a race issue out of something that isn’t a race issue. Hurting people is bad no matter what color your skin in.

Yes, there are bad cops. That sucks. It really does. But that’s a human problem. Not a race problem.

Are there some racist cops? Sure. But nowhere near as many as BLM portrayed. i don’t have the statistics, but I’m gonna assume that black Americans are more likely to be killed by other blacks than a white officer.


That’s always been my thing, it’s like saying it’s OK to kill each other. In life, everything begins within.

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Right. Don’t judge others more harshly than you would judge yourself. Or in this case, don’t judge other races more harshly than you would judge your own race.

BLM loved to point the finger at white Americans, but never to black Americans. If anything, BLM helped divide American further, instead of bringing it closer together.

Didn’t they learn anything from Dr Martin Luther King, Jr?

They only thing BLM really did, as far as I’m concerned, is show Americans (of all races) that manipulation comes in all skin colors.


In other parts of the world - the Chinese military today are practicing encirclement of Taiwan.

This is seen as a response to the meeting between House Speaker McCarthy and the Taiwan Pres.
The Chinese govt have named the exercise “stern warning”. They do not clarify to whom this warning is addressed.

Some Taiwanese residents interviewed were unfazed - “if they invade we cannot escape anyhow” was one person’s response.

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And now to good news in World Politics.

Today Ukraine’s Energy Minister Herman Halushchenko signed an exec order permitting the resumption of electricity exports.

History always repeats, during the early days of ww2 Hitler decided to blitz UK cities with indiscriminate bombing - aim was to sap civilian confidence - opposite was the case - communities rallied together to overcome.

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So 250 posts in - The fool decides to nullify the burden of the thread !

Tosspot !

Your mind is my home and I pay no rent


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@Pipstradamus - I ask you to consider whether it is appropriate to change the title of a thead after the views have been made known ? - over 200 posts into that thread ?

This tactics on this particular thread seems simply aimed to nullify the views of the majority of the contributors

The thread was trending towards world politics, I changed the title, go read the posts, I don’t understand your whining, can you not be less manly?

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Since we are well aware that the posts of this tribe of Trolls is deleted within 24 hours of posting - we shall not even bother with replying !

Go about your business if you don’t want to post

Every day you do the same thing and expect a different outcome.