World Politics, Good Or Bad

Islam or NATO will have zilch in the new world order that is envisaged by the current power brokers.

There is a single thread that underlines a vision for your generation - it’s being honed in the corridors of the comrades, more powerful than the old USSR or Cuba - because this time it has harnessed another power - money.

Xi and Putin pledged "to shape a new world order" as the Chinese leader leaves Russia.

That new world order will not allow me and you to converse right now, it will disavow the thought of religion, it will insist on “the better good” it’s vision of community.

Individualism will be banned, protest of any kind will be against the “better good”.

Everything will be in order - the new world order.

Hold fast to democracy with all it’s faults because the alternative is …

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I appreciate that you failed to recognize that Muslims own every corner store in my town my town has a population of about 5 million.

I don’t care where you are if you’re in the United States or you’re in the UK or you’re in Australia if you go to a corner store you will find that it is owned by Muslims or by someone that is friendly to Muslims.

There are a few businesses in an economy that are extremely profound. The corner stores are primarily owned by Muslim money and motels are owned by Indian money.

By common during these two streams of revenue they have bought outright the entire economy whoever owns these two streams of revenue will eventually own the entire community and you will be hungry and they are well fed.

just out of interest - Here in UK

Scotland is now run by a Muslim and England by an Indian !

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I give up.

You have to think beyond race - maybe those Muslims are working from early morning to late at night, for a pittance, so that they can have their corner store and maybe pay for the children’s education.

Colour of skin, strange accents is all baloney - what is important is that when you grow older you can feed your family, you can

Both of whom are British?

That is actually astounding - coming as you do from a few square miles where Catholics and Protestants have been murdering each other for generations purely because one lot wanted their churches to preach in Latin and the other in English !

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There is an attempt to equate people who own certain businesses with people who are taking over a country

Weird response - I don’t know a single person in this entire land who either preaches or understands the Latin language.

There are a few over in England that could perhaps enlighten us more in that olde world language - maybe JRM?

Interesting attempt at deflection there @peterma - So why don’t you explain to us exactly why your people and the Protestants have been murdering each other for generations ?

Actually started off as British vs Irish ( no religion).

You guys figured were easy pickings so invaded - and you were right - for a time.

Happened that Irish were Catholic and you had a big guy called Oliver Cromwell who hated Catholics (and British Crown) - you sent him over to sort us out - and he did big time.

So how to consolidate victory - simple, own the land - and you did this by creating the landlord system - you owned the land and the Irish became tenants.

Hope I’m not boring you :slight_smile:

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So all was well, we paid the rent and survived - until one morning.

It was called the potato blight - the tenants survived on the humble spud but that changed - and then there was a famine.

Guess what the landlords did - they demanded their rent - but no food meant no money.

Catholic/protestant? - yeah that raised it’s head - if you took the soup you survived - the British had established the “Church of Ireland” - they had soup kitchens - renounce your Catholic faith and you’d get their soup.

Still boring?


Absolutely not @peterma - so I heard somewhere that there was a “King Charles ?” who parcelled up a lot of Irish men (& later women) and sold them off as slaves to the “Americas”

Classic Injustice and a reason for an enduring hatred methinks !

I’d actually like to understand better ?

However so what you’re saying is that it started off as racial ? - but again that was centuries ago - and neither you nor I had anything to do with it - yet still the “murders” seem only to have subsided into an uneasy truce - do you have any idea why the hatred passes down through the generations ?

The Irish rebelled - cheek of them.

But the British were ahead of the game - send over guys for free land - known as “planters” - the nearest part of Ireland was the N.E. - mostly they came from Scotland - that N.E part of Ireland is now N.I. - to this day some parts have Scottish accents.

Strange thing, well over here not strange - many of the early Irish rebels were Presbyterian - of Scottish descent.

It puzzles me greatly - I really think it’s a media thing but yet I’m not anti-media.

Or maybe a gang syndrome - i really do not know - but one thing i know for sure - religion as we understand it is def not the cause.

No I can see that - but it does seem that Religion has become a convenient way of differentiating between the “Real Irish” and the “Interlopers” and also from what you say

There does not seem to be much by way of “Integration” - even after all these centuries.

That being the case perhaps you can understand how some of us “English” may come to feel a little “Nervous” when we have a Muslim in charge of Scotland and an Indian in charge of England ?

Thank you for this conversation Peter - I can see that you and probably many more in Ireland are in something of a quandry and I now have a little better insight.

Perhaps if we regard the two factions as “Crowds” and look at the issue from that point of view - we can see that “Crowds” think in much less intelligent ways than individuals and that individuals when they become part of a “Crowd” lose their ability to think rationally.

We can see this in Trump Derangement Syndrome too - note how one respondent on this thread saw Trump as “An Orange OOMPA - LOOMPA !” or some such ! - clearly not the comment of a thinking person !

You may find “The Crowd” - Le Bon to be helpful in understanding how it works - but you need to read it several times as it seems very simplistic at first view.

Anyhow as I said - thanks a lot for this conversation :sunglasses:

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the current plans are to toss the royal family out of buckingham palace and to convert it isto a masjid.

these men are not playing games.

i wont, but i could explain how they have used every tactic at their disposal to advance their position, including:

digital counterfeiting.

yes, digital counterfeiting.

they have a purely unlimited source of capital with which to acquire ALL OF YOUR ASSETS and you are absolutely clueless about this.

muslims arrived in europe and the united states and australia wearing bed sheets and flip flops, and they jacked you up gangster style.

and most people are in complete denial about this.


they stole your $%^&.big time.

evan david pakman clearly says that his best guess is that president trump will receive zero years from these indictments.

to be clear, david pakman is one of mr trump’s biggest haters.

do you think that matters ?

What do you want me to get upset about ? When we have WEF telling us “You will wn nothing annd you will be happy” - and our “leaders” - Trudeau, Macron, King Charles etc etc etc - all going along to listen with trance like wonderment? When you have my grand-kids teachers telling 7 year olds that there are 73 genders and teaching them about anal sex ? When you have the British NHS denying Testosterone to old men in desperate ned yet pumping 14 year old girls who don’t much like playing with Dolls - full of the stuff ? When you have Police refusing to investigate "grooming gangs of British Pakistani Muslims raping and trafficking white english children - becauseit might be seen as “Racist” ? When the TV channels and armed forces - Prison Services saying "We are no longer recruiting white men ?

What exactly is it that you want me to fight for ?

Mostly those men (and not only white men) who are capable of thinking are simply “opting out” - and it HAS been noticed - buy hey these mugs want their Gloobalist Neo-Marxist “Democracy” - ok well let them have it - let them get on with it !

A man who is denied a family life by the actions of the state - and the threat of a lifetime of paying punitive levels of “Maintenance” to a rapacious “ex-wife” - without even being able to make a tax-deduction - really doesn’t need that much to live on ! Why the hell should we care ?

In fact it will be good to see the “Globalists” “Feminists” and “Rainbow Genders” reactions when those who really have strength (Muslims, Chinese, Russians, Indians ) who at the moment are laughing at the deranngement of “the West” from the sidelines do eventually capitalise on the weakness we have “Educated” into our children and simply walk in and take over - None of tehse real strong -men are noted for their compassion and “Equity loving” attitudes to those I just mentioned !

Funny ? yes of course - it’s a tragi-comedy playing out before our eyes. Trump was pretty much the last real chance the West had! - and even so he is an old man - and who would follow on ?

Nah mate - don’t get stressed about it - learn a few skills (like distilling booze and growing tobacco - Mending engines and electirical stuff) - then sit on your porch with a beer and a bag of popcorn - watch the fools “Democrat themselves into Marxism” or get occupied by hostile forces - Quite which one I prefer I’m none too sure - but one thing for certain - Neither I nor Any of my line who I have any influence over - will go and fight the next “WAR TO END WARS” !

Nah they tell us we’re thick and stupid - let them as got us into this crap get us out of it - Hopefully their new armies of Strong Brave Women will prevail against all comers :sunglasses:

At least those of them not hiding under the bed crying will ! :rofl:

yes, if you sell all of your most precious streams of revenue, you have effectively sold your country.

it doesnt matter today who sits in the white house, it matters that you are facing bankruptcy and muslims are not facing bankruptcy.

you will be owned and enslaved by your own hunger for food.

best wishes.