World Politics, Good Or Bad

Perhaps some of those policemen should also be held accountable for their assistance.

6 Capitol Police officers suspended, 29 others being investigated for alleged roles in riot

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this is an effort to upset and corrupt and conquer the united states.

no problem, actually that is precisely how the white man acquired the united states… the indian welcomed us and the mexican invited us here and we killed and conquered them both.

this little takeover that we are experiencing includes corrupt tactics of every third world nation of the globe.

voter fraud has been a thing for a long time. africa, for example, hasnt had a real election ever. pakistan and india, same thing. russia has been a dictatorship for a long time…

and now they are all able to operate militarily in a group effort to conquer the united states.

the slums of the world will be united as a result of this and the slums will be HUGE and the rich will be very rich. do not get caught in between the slums and the rich.

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This is also true: politics can be very emotional for some people, and over the years, politicians has taken advantage of that emotion

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if anyone’s interested, this is what Dan Alexander at Forbes has to say on the subject:-

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Some would call it a political witch hunt; every state governor and city mayor who has been convicted of a crime has said the same thing. The republican party will, I’m sure, get all the information they need to determine whether the evidence is genuine or not.

Either the evidence points to the commission of a crime and warrants an indictment, or it does not, and The D.A. is overzealous.

I think trump is ■■■■■■■ retarded and possibly a sociopath however this indictment is straight bunk nonsense and the political hacks that are doing this will get what’s coming to them

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Either the evidence points to the commission of a crime and warrants an indictment, or it does not, and What you said should come true.

the odds are very good that president trump will be taken into custody and held on “no bond”.

they are not making all of this fuss so they can write him a traffic ticket.

The wealthy are held without bond because they pose a threat of not appearing in court or leaving the country, making them difficult to capture. Trump, on the other hand, is too well-known to be difficult to capture if he attempts any of those things.

Trump won’t be held without bond

Trump is the one person on Earth that could never disappear because everyone knows his face he couldn’t hide in Belize.

Trump has extensive business interests that he just simply would not leave behind.

But Henry ruggs is the different story. Henry ruggs is a black male that got drunk to twice the legal limit and he was driving 157 mph through city streets of Las Vegas and he ran into a young girl 22 years old Tina and he crashed into her and Tina and her dog burned alive.

Henry ruggs is for all practical purposes a rich man he has a multi-million dollar contract with the raiders I think but he’s not being held in jail on no bond oh my God no they are working to get his blood alcohol test thrown out of court and they are already entering him into the football league like he committed no crime at all.

Henry got drunk to twice the legal limit and got behind the wheel and killed an innocent girl and her dog they burned alive.

The woke media does not cover this story at all.

Dude, you’re all over the place, are you ok mentally?

i was saying that since you are saying that mr trump could be held on “no bond” for paying off a porn star, but henry ruggs got drunk and murdered an innocent girl he walks free.

are you familiar with the henry ruggs case?

Is that what you got from my post, I guess we live in a different world if you think that’s what I was saying all along.

would you like to wager a “gentlemen’s bet”?

are you very sure of yourself on this issue?

To be clear, what I am saying is he will not be held in jail without giving him a bond, you are saying the judge will deny him a bond and keep him in jail, correct?

thats all i said… i said that the odds are very good that he will be held on no bond to which you said that the rich can be held on no bond because they are a flight risk.

technically, the poor are much more of a flight risk because they have no “ties” to the community.

Seriously, we pretty much said the same damn thing, what the hell are we doing?

in a few days, we are all very possibly going to watch as president trump is arrested and placed into jail on “no bond”.

they have a “secret indictment” that nobody knows what it contains and he has to come to new york to be fingerprinted and booked.

yet, henry ruggs got drunk to twice the legal limit and drove 157 miles per hour and he crashed into and burned alive “Tina” and her dog yet he walks free and they are working to discredit his blood alcohol test.

the kangaroo courts are in session.

Here is a fact for you, In the same state and city with the same prosecutor, you can get the same people who commit the same crime, and they can be of the same race, and they will both get a different sentence. Additionally, one could have received a bond while waiting to be tried, and this happens in every city and every state.

The difference between what you post and this drunk rich kid who killed four and got off because he didn’t know any better, is that Henry Ruggs can still be convicted of his crime

Ethan Couch, ‘Affluenza Teen’ Who Killed 4 While Driving Drunk, Is Freed

The Affluenza Defense: Judge Rules Rich Kid’s Rich Kid-ness Makes Him Not Liable for Deadly Drunk Driving Accident

He got 10 years probation for causing a wreck that devastated three families

For most people, conviction for vehicular manslaughter due to drunk driving warrants a lengthy sentence, but not in the case of Ethan Couch, a wealthy young man from the state of Texas.

Couch suffers from “affluenza,” according to his lawyers, a term which means that his wealthy parents pretty much let him get away with everything. The defense saved him from a 20-year sentence; State District Judge Jean Boyd bought it at his sentencing on Tuesday and gave Couch probation instead.

“He never learned that sometimes you don’t get your way,” Gary Miller, a psychologist assigned to Couch said in court. “He had the cars and he had the money. He had freedoms that no young man would be able to handle.”

that was a fair debate, thank you. either way, trump is being literally attacked and i suspect that if he were to spit diamonds he would be dragged into court for it.

there is a website where they openly state that their goal is to “remove” trump from office and it is


to remove someone from office in our current political system usually should involve using your vote to put someone else into office, but instead they are resorting to bullying tactics.

they encourage others to “clog up” his phone lines and basically engage a DDOS attack onto his businesses.

i personally was impressed by the lengthy list of his business ventures.