World Politics, Good Or Bad

Yes, it was fair, enjoy the rest of your day :+1:

my day ends when the markets close on friday.

Circus-like atmosphere is in store

Trump returns to New York to face charges in criminal probe

NEW YORK (AP) — Former President Donald Trump flew Monday from Florida to New York for his historic booking and arraignment on hush money charges, as the nation’s largest city bolstered security and warned potential protesters it was “not a playground for your misplaced anger.”

Trump’s motorcade ride from his Mar-a-Lago club to his red, white and blue Boeing 757, emblazoned with his name in gold letters, was carried live on cable television. It took him past supporters waving banners and cheering, decrying the case against him — stemming from payments made during his 2016 campaign — as politically motivated.

Yet BLM was encouraged to go out and start trouble and do you know what BLM was shown to have done they were shown to have committed fraud they raised millions of dollars and the key players in BLM smoked up that money in crack.

Yep BLM was nothing more than a bunch of crackheads scamming other black people.

Okay, you could start your own thread on that subject, this thread is not about BLM

I am simply demonstrating that they are eager to impeach or indict president Trump for literally nothing when in fact people like BLM commit 80 million worth of absolute fraud and almost nothing happens to them.

And considering that black people are very much involved in this assault upon Donald Trump for example there is a man named Roland Martin on YouTube he has a pro black channel and he has the Black Star Network and he can’t wait to put Trump in jail but I don’t hear two words out of him about the BLM 80 million fraud.

Happens every day in the United States; perhaps I should start a thread about fraud in the United States and those who get away with it.

The black lives matter charity was not just an ordinary charity it was not a charity about children in Alaska that need eyeglasses it was not a charity about people that have cancer and need treatment it was a charity about black people that are oppressed and don’t want to be oppressed but what did we get out of BLM we got a bunch of black a few black people that wanted to smoke crack and live in 6 million dollar homes and now it is those exact same people that are building this fire underneath Donald Trump

You think black people are to blame for Trump’s indictment; please elaborate more

I’m guessing that you’ve never watched the Roland Martin YouTube channel and actually read the comments.

They hate white people. They criticize Donald Trump because he raises funds for his campaign but then Roland Martin turns around and hardcore pushes you to make donations to him.

If you don’t want to take the time to listen to that channel you won’t know

I don’t make it a habit to listen to anyone that spew hate. you are mostly talking about fraud in that post, and that seems to upset you.

I’m not upset. Not even a little bit.

Clearly you are upset about something, seems like the fraud of black lives matter is on your mind, as you compare them to Trump case

No I’m not upset because I don’t pay for your indiscretions.

I am not the one that pays the penalty for your crimes.

BLM raised money in the name of helping poor black man and all he did was buy a $6 million dollar house and give money to his friends and family and smoke crack.

Bravo to my black brothers and sisters.

Again you are upset, maybe you start a thread to vent your frustration on your topic of interest

Since you are the one that seems to be a little bit angry that I am speaking about the backstory behind the Trump indictment so I won’t talk about that anymore.

I will only discuss topics that you approve of and there will be no backstory at all so is the Trump indictment good or bad I’m undecided

You are free to elaborate anytime you want on that matter if that’s the Back end of Trump story

Either it does or it does not, as I stated earlier. This could be a good starting point for holding the president, now or in the future, accountable for any Criminal actions.

That is not always true. There are many cases where the jury will be biased and the prosecutor will be biased and the judge will be biased and an innocent man will go to prison.

Our legal system is absolutely not black and white it is not a binary system with either a one or a zero in the output.

Our world economies are in a really bad place right now the United States is perhaps 20 trillion dollars or 30 trillion dollars in debt which can absolutely never be paid off.

And so what do we do we attack the one political leader because he won’t be bought out by the deep state.

When I say deep State I mean Mr Trump doesn’t just write 50 billion dollar checks to people because they’re in the good old boy club.

This is not always the case either; if you pay attention to the Innocent people who have been released over the years, you will notice that evidence was suppressed by the prosecution , evidence that, if presented earlier, there would not have been a trial and most certainly would not have resulted in a guilty verdict.