World Politics, Good Or Bad

It really is very difficult to have a conversation with you because when I bring something up you tell me it’s not a part of the conversation but I can start another conversation somewhere else and then once I explain to you that it’s backstory you say well okay as long as it’s backstory.

You are unable to see the abstract you are only able to see that which is very black and white which means that you probably don’t understand the story until it is explained to you by CNN or MSNBC and then you probably got the wrong message.

You have difficulty seeing that which is not obvious

Dude what is wrong with you, you said the reason you brought that up was because it was the backstory of Trump indictment , we are talking about trump Indictment, you do understand that, correct?

So why will i go off topic on something that is not about Trump indictment

Oh now I get it we’re talking about the Trump indictment

Why didn’t you just say so?

If you had mentioned that I would have said that it’s black people that are attacking him and it’s transgender people that are attacking him.

Thank you for straightening me out

You are all over the place. not sure if you need mental help or not.

The thread is all yours you may run the conversation about whether or not the Trump indictment is good or bad and then we can only hear your opinion.



Enjoy the rest of your day :+1:

My day ends when the markets close on Friday

Just for your information this is Roland Martin and just to give you a little backstory because I know you love the back story Roland is as gay as the day is long.

I’m going to tell you that Roland is extremely nervous right now because he realizes that it is now obvious to the entire world that they are literally launching an attack against a man because he was the president and they didn’t agree with his politics.

This could so easily backfire on the left because it could unite people from around the world against these tactics.

Really, what is wrong with you

getting to your main points

Again, this statement can only hold true if the evidence demonstrates that there was no commission of a crime and that no charges should have been filed

He’s our resident Troll mate ! There is some doubt as to whether he is a Bot or not and there are certainly at LEAST 2 posters using that account - don’t waste your breath on him ! :sunglasses:

[Edit - for what it’s worth I’m sure you’re right - now the Lefties have opened up the attack on a past President for Political purposes - we’ll see what shyte gets knocked out of some of their “Past Presidents” when the boot gets onto the other foot ! :slightly_smiling_face: ]

Now. That means a lot now that you’ve called me a bot and a troll which I am neither.

As I said it takes a special level of vision to see between the lines to not need to see things in black and white which is a skill that most people just simply do not possess.

For example The mask mandate which even Mr Trump went along with the mask mandate is absolutely useless a piece of paper across your mouth will not protect you from a microscopic airborne virus anymore than a chain link fence will protect you from mosquitoes.

Most people just bought into the masked man date because they were told to and many people likewise buy into anything else they’re told to do.

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TALKING TO YOU ! - Not A|bout you !

THe fool you were talking to is our resident troll ! :rofl:

[Edit - probably could have made it clearer in my post - Apologies ! }

I’m not an attorney and I don’t really understand the process of how a grand jury is selected but I think the question here that would be very good to ask is who selected the grand jury?

In the video below Mike pence makes a comment which is a common comment made in the legal community that you can indict a ham sandwich.

We’re indicting Mr Trump over literally nothing Mr Trump was the president when you are the president you are privileged to read or see any classified material and so the fact that he had a few of these documents at home really no big deal because he has secret service around him 24 hours a day it’s not like he’s going to be betraying the country and selling our secrets to someone else.

In fact when Mr Trump was president he could have if he wanted to he could have gotten into his motorcade or gotten into his personal vehicle with a couple of secret service agents and he could have driven out to area 51 and he would have had privileged to see anything.

But Nancy pelosi has been shown to be conducting insider trading using information that she acquired while she was inside the White House but they don’t they don’t indict her even though that’s a crime.

It appears to be more than just a payment to a porn star.

Exclusive: Trump to be charged Tuesday with 34 felony counts, but spared handcuffs and mug shot

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg will charge Trump with falsification of business records

Donald Trump will be placed under arrest on Tuesday and informed that he has been charged with 34 felony counts for falsification of business records, according to a source who has been briefed on the procedures for the arraignment of the former president.

A New York City Police arrest report summarizing the charges against Trump will then be prepared and entered into the court system before he is led into a courtroom to be formally arraigned on the charges, none of which are misdemeanors.

But, the source said, Trump will not be put in handcuffs, placed in a jail cell or subjected to a mug shot — typical procedures even for white-collar defendants until a judge has weighed in on pretrial conditions. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office, which has been consulting with the Secret Service and New York City court officials, concluded that there was no reason to subject the former president to handcuffs or a mug shot.

The stated reason for handcuffing defendants is on the grounds that the suspect might be a flight risk or a threat to the district attorney or court personnel, neither of which were judged to be relevant to the handling of a former president protected at all times by a phalanx of Secret Service agents.

Wasn’t it just a couple hours ago and I was saying that?

They’re trying to put Mr Trump into a position where he is unable to run for office again but I’m sorry I don’t have a web page to show that to you.

Therefore this is purely a political attack and is a criminal activity.

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Trump has a long history, must of been a continuous political plan for more than thirty years.

Legal affairs of Donald Trump

According to a 2016 USA Today analysis, Donald Trump and his businesses were involved in 3,500 legal cases in U.S. federal and state courts during the previous three decades, an unprecedented number for a U.S. presidential candidate. Of the 3,500 suits, Trump or one of his companies were plaintiffs in 1,900; defendants in 1,450; and bankruptcy, third party, or other in 150.[1] Trump was named in at least 169 suits in federal court.[2] In the 1,300 cases where the record establishes the outcome, Trump settled 175 times, lost 38, won 450, and had another 137 cases end with some other outcome. In the other 500 cases, the cases were dismissed.[1]

I don’t think that you are current on the state of investigations. Evidence has been presented that much of the ruckus was caused by 3rd party agitators. Still, NO ONE has been charged with Muh Insurrection.

I remember they said it was an armed attack, but if there had been an armed attack there would have been video of people carrying firearms and it would have been many people carrying firearms but they don’t have one frame of anyone in the White House holding a shotgun or an assault rifle.

The entire story was fabricated and those people were invited into the White House and ushered down through the hallways there was no armed attack this was all fabricated by that little witch named Nancy pelosi

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Yeah, and the only firearms discharged that day was by the capital police that murdered Ashley Babit who was unarmed former military. It was a setup. Anyone that has been there knows that every major event in DC draws all sorts and many agitators which is why even for ordinary protest events there is tons of security making sure that things don’t get out of hand. It is quite clear what actually happened. President Trump actually requested National Guard as added security prior to the event and was denied.