World Politics, Good Or Bad

Americans? Are you not American? From which nation do you call home?


who are these foreign entities?

Mr Alvin Bragg for example has ties to the Nigerian Mafia

how do you know this?

Let me ask you a question… how do you know that Donald Trump had an affair with some cheesy p*** star named Stormy Daniels?

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I never said he did, but you did say this

how do you know this?

Everything in the indictment is centered around Mr Trump and his alleged affair with some skank pornstar named Stormy Daniels. Mr Trump has clearly denied that this affair ever happened. And Mr Trump is a very particular man about the ladies that he associates with especially on an intimate level. Take a look at Melania Trump. She is a gorgeous woman she is an intelligent woman so why would Mr Trump ever have an affair with some piece of garbage like Stormy Daniels? The answer is that he would not.

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Why are you trying to change the question, I answer yours, now can you please answer mine.

I have to go, I be back to read your answer

I asked which country you’re from and since we’re into answering questions please answer that question.


how do you know this?

I feel like you’re pressuring me.


Mr Alvin Bragg has ties to the Nigerian Mafia the Camorra.

If Mr Alvin Bragg were actually interested in Justice and the law he would be going after organizations like the black lives matter movement because they defrauded black people they defrauded them for close to 20 million dollars.

What you are doing Mr small Paul is called gaslighting.

When you begin to lose a debate or a conversation, you resort to to causing someone to question their sanity by laughing at them and giggling etc.

In the world of debate these are behaviors that are called childish.

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There was no debate or conversation, you ask me a question, I answer, and I ask you a question.

I have to go now, seriously

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Sorry to see you go so soon.

Would anyone like to comment about the black lives matter fraud?

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This is not a black lives matter debate thread, but you can create one if you want to discuss it in depth.

This is a thread about the indictment against Donald Trump.

Black lives matter has been a driving force between Donald Trump and his presidency.

Black lives matter is backstory about the Donald Trump indictment.

Black lives matter was a pure criminal scam.