World Politics, Good Or Bad

Why don’t you provide evidence to support your claims? If they are connected to Trump, please show it.

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was that before or after he became president,? what are the connections to Donald Trump indictment.

What are the ties between Donald Trump and Stormy Daniels, because everything in the indictment is about Stormy Daniels.

Please tell us how you know that Stormy Daniels ever had an affair with Donald Trump.

Read the bold letters above, NOW READ THE TITLE. I let you figure out the rest

I don’t read minds even though I wish that I did.

I don’t like to play guessing games and I don’t like to speculate.

If you would like to State your mind clearly and completely I will respond maybe.


Enjoy your end-of-day Friday, it’s not that important, there are no ties.

I decide what’s important to me, not you.

Let’s be Crystal about that.

The black lives matter movement has been a thorn in Mr Trump’s presidency ever since day one.

My President is under indictment and that is important to me.

Please do not assume that you can decide what’s important to me.

Even CNN says this indictment is a big nothing burger.

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Gaslighting has absolutely no effect on me.

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A thorn, a lot of thorns in Trump presidency

There has been a constant attack by members of the transgender community against Mr Trump.

President Trump made the foolish mistake of saying that he didn’t want transgenders in the military and I think he may have done something that didn’t advance their cause in some way.

It is not really unreasonable that Mr Trump said no to having transgenders in the military because they are in reality a medical nightmare.

Even I got to admit, this story is absolutely mind-bogglingly hilarious… a man who has a high-paying job inside the White House resorts to stealing ladies panties at the airport

If you should be interested to learn how the transgender movement is not this sweet little movement of men that were born in the wrong body but instead it is a group of men that are pure and hardcore sex addicts if you were to look at the Reddit forum “transgonewild”, your eyes are going to get melted.

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CNN stopped reporting about the news a long time ago and now all they do is a constant harassment and badgering of Mr Trump because they couldn’t go into the White House and get what they wanted from him.

Every accusation that CNN makes against Donald Trump is precisely what CNN is doing.

This indictment situation could backfire on the left and the whole world will see what they are doing.

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I know it’s going to seem kind of weird, but I study how people from different nations present themselves especially when they’re trying to pretend to be from my country.

People in Africa for example, they like to use the word “dear” when addressing me. I think they probably read a handwritten letter from someone that said “dear grandma” and so they think that is a standard way to greet someone but it’s not it’s only standard in a very formal handwritten letter usually.

If you were to ask a native-born American where they are from they would almost never say America.

They might say I’m from Washington State or I’m from Florida or I’m from DC or I’m from LA but they would never say I’m from America.

Do you know what else is interesting? Mr small Paul always disappears from The forum at just about the time that it’s pushing midnight in either Pakistan or India which is really the same country.

If my estimates are correct Mr small Paul will probably make his reappearance into this forum right about the time it’s early morning in India or Pakistan, not that I have any problem with people from India or Pakistan because I don’t.

I do recognize that I could be entirely out in left field about this.

Sweet dreams, Mr Paul.

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You have the spiritual personality of a rock.

Trump 2020

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Check it out bro this is a forum you can’t burn me…

This is a topic about Donald Trump, maybe you’d like to start another thread about that.

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Glad you acknowledge that, so let’s keep the topic there. Trump Indictment

I think this is really an exciting event this Trump indictment.

Even CNN people are saying that this is really ridiculous 34 indictments for felonies Donald Trump?

They say that the statute of limitations for these crimes has already passed anyways.

Not only that but the entire world is watching and the world ain’t stupid the world can see plainly that Donald Trump is being attacked.

The world sees plainly that he is being attacked so that he can’t run for president and the world doesn’t like it.

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First Stormy Daniels said the affair happened then she signed a document saying that it never happened and now she’s saying again that it did happen.

And she’s a pornstar?

If there was ever an example where a witnesses credibility is completely out the window this is it.

And this is what they wanted to arrest Mr Trump for 34 felonies that are all about this hush money case?

If you look at the ladies that Donald Trump has been married to they are all very well refined and proper ladies. They are not p**** stars. Mr Trump would never have an affair with someone like Stormy Daniels. Seriously Mr Trump if he wanted to have an affair he has so many nice rich ladies that he could have an affair with, but Stormy Daniels would never even make the runner up list. It is ridiculous to think that Mr Trump would get naked with Stormy Daniels.

It is not my intent to speak ill words about stormy Daniel because she is just another one of God’s children and I don’t mean to say bad things about her but she made bad choices in life and became a p**** star this is not the kind of person that Donald Trump would even enjoy sitting around talking with much less to have a sexual affair with her Mr Trump would only date the finest of the finest.

And here’s the funniest of the latest news Stormy Daniels has been ordered to pay something like $120,000 to Mr Trump and she says that she would rather go to jail instead of paying it.

Anyways I’m kind of busy over at the forex factory I’ve got seven accounts over there LOL.

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I put a link to this thread at Donald Trump’s truth social forum app thingy.

Trump 2020