Would you ever try a play-to-earn (crypto) game?

Helloooo! :blush: Since there have been a lot of play-to-earn games on my Tiktok page :sweat_smile: like Axie Infinity, My DeFi Pet, etc., I got curious. :thinking: Would traders here be also interested in something like that? Do you see yourself trying a play-to-earn crypto game? :open_mouth:

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I played Runescape for about ten years with my two sons when they were at primary and secondary school. I reopened an account four years ago to determine whether I had the patience to stick it out and earn one billion gold coins (GP). I reached 900 million but it took me three years, not one year.

So with that decade of background and experience (I found a really interesting way of market price discovery in Runescape - learnt from a teenager!), I will not be playing to earn because I value my time too much. My younger son reached the top 2% of EU players in world of warcraft (or a similar multi-user game) and realized that you need to be in the top 0.1% to have any chance of monetising a game skill. Didnā€™t put him off playing, but he got realistic that not everyone can earn serious money doing what they love to do. Maybe a bit like Amazon traders, or internet influencers. :slight_smile:

Edit: or perhaps Forex traders too :money_mouth_face:


Yup. I have a family friend in this same position. Parents thought he could be part of some elite league (canā€™t remember which game) but it turns out when he played in the ā€œreal worldā€ with other players, he wasnā€™t good enough. Itā€™s just like trading lol, you never know how much money youā€™ll potentially make with the time and other resources you have until you try.

That being said, I also will not be participating in a play-to-earn game. I donā€™t see myself spending the time trying to learn the ropes of ONE particular game when I can work on other more rewarding (financially or otherwise) activities. If I were bored, Iā€™d do it though for sure!

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I think this is one of the modern world phenomena that afflicts young people. Faced with an overwhelming number of choices of what to do as a career, seeing only the great experiences others are having (through the one-sided social media hype of influencers and one-upmanship, it must be depressing to think that only your own life is boring. So there is a tendency to retreat into a virtual world where you can ā€œshoot-em-upā€ or be famous for 15 minutes. As a school governor ten years ago, I observed this over and over again in the 12 to 16 year old cohort, and was saddened by it. Sure, there were those who did know what they wanted, and were taking actions to pursue healthy life choices, but there were too many, in my opinion, taking other routes and being wholly dissatisfied with their lives.

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Frankly, I wouldnā€™t. I take trading very seriously, I donā€™t feel comfortable with mixing it with entertainment.

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This is something I realized after playing this game to ā€œmineā€ a crypto Iā€™ve never really heard of. :sweat_smile: I spent almost 3 days watching ads, playing mini-games, and listening to music on that app, only to end up with a few units I canā€™t even redeem. :sweat: LESSON LEARNED.

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Thatā€™s an interesting take on it! :blush: I admire your dedication. :smiley:

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I would absolutely try it. Why not!?!

Doing it for the sole purpose of making money? Well, thatā€™s not entertainment any more to me.

But this is the future, especially in parts of the world where the potential earnings get close to covering someoneā€™s monthly expenses.

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I donā€™t think I will ever be able to make myself play such games. I hardly find them productive and I could really earn more by trading than by playing these games, which tend to have some or the other catch in their policies

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That has just reminded me of some years back when I started to receive invitations from all and sundry to play Candy Crush Saga (I think that was its name). That was my first inkling that we are not in control of our web activities at all. I think that was the day that I ā€œunfriendedā€ about 80% of my social media contacts and asked my wife to do the same.

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My focus will be Age Of Empires 4, a RTS coming out October 28th.

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Hahaha! :blush: I can feel your excitement. :smiley: With all these play-to-earn games available, have you ever dared try any of them? :smiley:

Thatā€™s also a good point. :blush: I know a lot of people who really value their time and would rather spend it on something thatā€™s more guaranteed to rake in the cash. :smiley: Haha.

Candy Crush! :joy: Hahaha. I remember this from years ago! My mom used to love this game. :smiley: Haha. And just like you, I was tempted to unfriend her because she kept sending those requests! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Oooooh. :open_mouth: Interesting! What was your main reason for wanting to try this game in particular? :thinking:

Downloaded AOE4 this weekend for their open beta. Didnā€™t get a chance to play however.