Write your tips for the end of year for forex traders

Maintain detailed records of your trades and performance throughout the year. This will help you analyze your strengths and weaknesses and make necessary adjustments.

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Enjoy the holidays! Haha. :sweat_smile: But also maybe based on our performances this year, we can already start thinking about our goals for the upcoming year. :blush:

Holidays are a great time to relax and reflect on our achievements. Here’s to setting even bigger goals and making the upcoming year a remarkable one!

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Definitelyyy! :blush: Haha. And the coming Christmas is my last Christmas as a single woman so I’m definitely making the most of that. :stuck_out_tongue:

Be relentless.

I can’t believe the new year is just around the corner! Same thing for me, it’s time to reflect on my trading journey. It’s so important to look back and see what worked and what didn’t.

Congratulations in advance! I can only imagine how exciting and busy this time must be for you with the holidays and wedding preparations.

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Thank youuuu. :blush: Maybe I’d post a picture of myself here in my wedding dress! :thinking:

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You’re welcome! We would love to see a picture of you in your wedding dress!

HAHAHA Imagine I’d finally reveal my face. :stuck_out_tongue: