WTF happened here?

What would cause a large spike like this in the market? Actual screen shot from Eur/Usd a little earlier today (i’m going to say an hour or 2)

I can’t see that spike on my Metatrader charts for Feb 25, on the 15 minute chart…?

I also have an account with Oanda and see the 22:15 spike. I also have an account with CMS and when I looked at CMS 22:00 & 22:15 & 22:30 there was no spike. You might want to talk to Oanda and ask about it. I�ve heard sometime strange spikes are caused by data problems, if you were stopped out and it was a data problem maybe Oanda will make good on it. Last week I opened a live account with Oanda and so far I�m happy with them, but would be pretty upset if I was stopped out of a good trade because they were playing games & stop hunting. If you can, please let me know how you make out.
Good luck d-pip

I wasn’t stopped, I just noticed that earlier when i logged on, and went “wtf”

Ha Ha Ha Ho Ho

Too funny!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I am sure that spike is not meant to be there.

Someone is really trading amiss if it is!!
Ha Ha Ha!!

Just a computer problem, program problem or data feed problem.

Best laugh I have had in a long time.

Nice broker!! :smiley: