X to 100X topics, why do people keep asking them! 😣

Am I the only one on this forum who thinks every week there’s a new thread about making $3 million from $30??? :expressionless:

It’s like, not only do people want to quit their day jobs and trade forex fulltime in just 3 months, they also want to 100x their money! :sob:

Is it any surprise this industry is filled with scammers waiting to take advantage of anyone looking to get rich ASAP?


Forex advertising has created such a perception of investing that it is light, easy and fun work.


Sadly the world we live in,


Instant gratification culture, but if you do know how to make $3 million from $30 message me please!

In all seriousness I was like this as a beginner too. it’s not necessarily anyone’s fault, Richard Dennis did it with a few hundred dollars.

So it can be done, but the chances are slim indeed.

With the leverage and a general sense of overconfidence it’s kind of expected.

Nothing new either, read Popular delusions and the madness of crowds


Definitely has a lot to do with misguided expectations from trading.


Hmm. :thinking: I think people have the impression that forex traders are all very rich and that it’s the easy money? :open_mouth: Whenever I tell people I’m looking into forex, they automatically assume I’m wealthy or that I get it easy. :open_mouth:


You are not the only one.

Also, there are same topics rising all the time even there are already discussed in the past.
Little search would help them to find what they are looking for.

Newcomers wants to see the answer they were looking for. They want someone tell them that it is possible to make quick money and get rich by trading Forex.

If they find someone, they are hooked. Their dream is almost reached and then they start asking same question.


So true. I wish they’d realize how absurd it is what they’re looking for.

WELL, if they did their research… :sweat_smile:

LMAO. Send me your Telegram number I’ll send you signals. For only $50 per message! Guaranteed win! :rofl:


Yes, it is true… but those questions will.keep.coming,.it is.like a flood that is.unstoppable…

I imagine that very few.people.use the.Search button.before.asking.those.questions,.or.they would.find.almost.too.many similar.threads.to.read.through…

You’re right. The sooner I accept that people won’t stop asking the same questions or learn how to search, the sooner I won’t be annoyed. :rofl:

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Nope. This is the nature of any money-making business. It will be filled with people who are willing to be taken advantage of and people who will take advantage.


Th financial industry is a big dream selling machine.
Brokers let people believe that they can make money with trading.

Banks are the same just the risk profile is lower.
Banks let you believe you can make money with their funds that often bleed at -3% per year.
In the meantime they make money with 1% management fee.

It is the same, just dreams with a different risk profile.