Xforex broker help!

Im learning the ropes and what not with forex trading, I stumbled across this broker and i signed up has they offered a 1-1 mentoring service via phone/online. And i followed what my account manager said, he said to deposit £65.00, thats the minimum deposit, he said once i done that i will be able to get the mentoring service!. Well I got in touch with them earlier this week, and they want me to deposit upto £600 to move to a premium account and start trading in real money and my new manager said we will use 25% of what we have in the account. Now i had no idea i was getting a new manager, i did wonder why he stopped replying to emails,

from what i have learned so far, You dont use no more than 2-3% of your money so when he said 25% i was like What???. unless this is true?.

The reason i am posting this here is i need people’s advice, Im mainly after the 1-1 mentor, which is perfect for me to learn!. But it does sound rather fishy, Im thinking its a scam!. I looked xforex up and it got mixed reviews, some say it is a scam and one person wrote exactly what i have been told, deposit 600GBP and we will go premium etc etc. I think it is a scam, but then i see adverts for this broker all over the web. and of course they are regulated by the FCA uk amongst other regulators. But could they have put that up to fool you?

Anyway! sorry for the long essay!.
if you have used this broker any help with this would be great!
Take care

xforex scam,