Yearly Pivot points

Can some please provide me with a working - correct yearly pivot points for common currency pairs.
I have tried different indicators but they seem to contradict when I put them all on mt4… there is a diffence of 150 pips …
I really need this …

thanks guys and may the pips be with you.

P.S. look at the three yearly pivot point indicators i got … all of them do not match

No. 2 on the chart is MR3 which is the last mid-point.

You will never get pivots points to match exactly. Also they are just
zones, markings on the chart to give traders a reference point.

They do not predict the future.

To work out pivot points all you need is the Open, Close, High & Low for the
session in question.

Learn correctly how these pivot points work, there is no short cut to learning
to trade forex, plus there is no magic formulae.