For any expert trader reading this how many years of trading did it take you to become an expert trader. Just to be clear I define expert as someone who has a win rate of 80%.
You can have a win rate with less 40%and haveca positive balance …depends on some facts and doing your numbers …
To become and expert 80 %…come on that not the parameter
Depends on your time and your effort …i know some one didi it within 1 year
If anyone on the planet has a 80% win rate consistently for years, they are a time traveller.
What you should be asking is how many profitable years would an expert experienced trader expect, and how long did it take him/her to reach that success level?
I’ve known scalping traders make profits on the 1 minute TF with less than 5% win ratio.
Trading different pairs, they will close losing trades immediately, and run winning pairs