
remember what happened with GBP/USD everyone thought that when the price touch the highs level 1.9800 it`ll go back down but it actually went 300pips up awere of that and when the price creating new highs you can get clear brakeout and then god with you.:smiley:

this is very dangerous position either for long or short entry.


Protect Thy A**


if you want to gamble go to casino or go for something more safer and more predictable if you want to succeed in forex

With the GBP/JPY moving side ways for over a week, I really wonder which way it will go. :confused:

i know you hate charts and indicators but on my chart with my indicators the history looks very god for long time traders.

on 4 hours chart from 19.3.2007 to 27.4.2007 (38 days)
when my indicators crossed at price 226.85 untill now with highs level price of 239.40 profit of 1255 pips

and on 1 day chart from 5.4.2007 to 27.4.2007 (22 days)
when my indicators crossed at price 231.64 untill now with highs level price of 239.40 profit of 777 pips

just pete that i`m not long time trader:D

but it look like it`ll go down in maybe 2 weeks time untill that time probably side way or bit higher.

what do you think?:smiley:

I think…

I think…


I don’t know what I think. Do I think. I thought I was thinking once. Then maybe I was thinking I only had a thought. Thinking about it now, I was not thinking I only had a thought. But if you think about it, thought is the result of thinking. So to have a thought means you were thinking. So I guess I do think.

I think. Yes, thats correct. I do think, so now I will have more thoughts.

So what do I think?


I have no idea. :confused:

Call me silly, I maybe wrong, but I think the EUR/JPY will be down to ~160 before the end of the month.

Place not live trades.

I still have no clue which way it will go. :confused:

That’s correct, I’m still not sure.