
Hi all, VERY new to forex trading. haven’t traded a real dollar yet! but pip school told me i got 2 months of education before i commit suicide. Anyway just wondering what site you guys recommend for a noob? I’ve been using some play money on fxcm.com (and losing it all) but was curious to know of what other sites might be good. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. ps. school of pipsology deserves some sort of freakin award!!! i’ve learnt more in one night here than i’ve learnt in the past couple weeks that i’ve been researching. Big thanks for that and keep up the good work! :slight_smile:

I’d also add that i’m an aussie if that makes any difference to site choice. cheers!


I don’t think that we’re allowed to advertise other forex forums, are we? Anyways all you need is in here.
I’d suggest that you finish the BP school first and then go check out ICT’s thread if you’re a complete newbie
like me :). Also, aussies are considered lucky because you guys can trade NY and London open, where
volatility is high, during your waking hours (UTC +8 - UTC +11.5 ryt?). Welcome to the forum btw and read as much as you can while you’re here. Good luck and have a nice day :D.

I would recommend learning how to backtest. This is when you practice trading a system on historical data. Of course, this does not guarantee success, but it gives you a much better idea if a system will work or not and how to trade it. Then find a simple system to test and get to work!

To be honest its all common sense say you work for Apple and you constantly praise microsoft or you work for Macdonalds and you tell people to go to KFC and so forth.

I’m a new newb here as well, PipNoob. Just finished pipschool too (nothing like it out there). I’ve started with the fxcm trading station and have tried some of the other big names. But fxcm trading station seems to be the easiest yet powerful one I’ve tried yet. It seems to have it all. Still shopping though.

Plenty of newbie material on these forums to keep you learning for months and months.

It is not for indulge the moderators in this forum but you will not find any better step by step guide of forex than babypips school section:

Forex Training Online: Learn Foreign Exchange (FX) Currency Trading

But that is not all, you have to study all your live, it never ends, i mean never, i’m three years now and there are basic concepts that i discover every day.

You must read:
“Trading in The Zone” of Mark Douglas
"Trade for a Living" of Alexander Elder
"Mind Over Markets" various authors
"Your Erroneous Zones" of Wyne Dyer

As you can notice, forex is a mental process that cannot easily achieved, we all learned it the way you are describing, by losing it all.


thanks for all the good feedback guys. This site is the greatest! hopefully see you all in the winners circle real soon.