You will be suprised for sure!

You have to watch this!


That IS amazing. Thank you.

Very cool!

Hahaha! Cool!

So all this time we have been reading wrong… :joy:


Cool gif!!

Mankind has been a failure

There are apps available that allow you to speed read. I use an app called Spdr on iOS.


Mmnah… I’ve seen worst in the rest of the univers… :wink:

Thanks for the info! Ill check it out.

Haha! That is pretty awesome. Thanks for sharing!

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checking it out now!

Okay! Surely not asking you about it :stuck_out_tongue:

If I remember right, it’s your internal voice that slows down your reading. Speed reading courses try to train you to not depend on hearing yourself read. I was good at the fast reading, but my comprehension was sub par.

Brian Regan had the same issue with comprehension…

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Anybody got an Android app recommendation? Hell, even a PC program for that matter. I feel I just read too slow.

You should check out Spreeder. One of the best Speed reading apps.

Looks like it’s only available on iOS. But thanks for the recommendation.

It is very cool!