Your most stressful trading moment

I would think this has to do with a losing trade. Can’t imagine a winning position being a stressful time :sweat_smile:

Mine usually involved forgetting setting a stop loss and then seeing the pair make giant moves against me. The stress of not knowing whether to close my trade or hope for the best can ruin the best days. :sweat_smile:

How about you?

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Observation: If you forget to set a S/L it’s bound to be emotionally stressfull. So you know the answer.

IMO, cutting any losing trade early is a must do. There are always other trades waiting. My most stressful moment has been closing winning trades - unless I turn off the desktop for the day.

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Yup. See, I always think about this when I’m not in a trade. But when I’m in a losing one I can’t seem to think like this.

That’s interesting! You would think closing a winning trade is a moment of achievement!

Mainly because I would kick myself if the trend continued ad infinitum.

Yes, you are right brother winning moments are really stressful just because we grow excited at that time.

Ahhh this makes sense. Missed opportunity!