Your winning Trading strategy and system should be kept secret

Please excuse my bluntness, it’s not my intention to be rude or demeaning but this is a strange topic. It’s built on the false premise that there are “winning” and “losing” strategies.

All strategies are winning strategies if the trader implementing them has actual trading skills, otherwise they are all losing strategies.

A skilled trader can be profitable using a random coin flip, while an unskilled trader will still blow up his/her trading account on a “secret winning” one.

Basically, it’s the trader’s skill that determines whether a strategy is “winning” one or a “losing” one.


Your bluntness is appreciated, I disagree with this statement above, we’ll have to agree to disagree in this case, everyone has their personal beliefs on winning and losing strategies.

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I think a well performed strategy shouldn’t be revealed openly. It won’t be useful and will give problem to the owner.

A good strategy mostly composed by good money management, risk management and finally mentality of the trader. The last one is difficult to be passed.

In the past I had shared a strategy 3 MA kind of stuff. I am using it until now, but the one I taught, accused me for misleading him. I didn’t ask him a single penny, but he told others I had tricked him, made him losing money. :expressionless:

His opinion was simple, if my strategy is that good, why I am willing to share it for free. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Since then, no point to share strategy to others. If you feel really “itchy” to share, make sure the person can be trusted. :thinking:

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Well said, very similar to my experience.

Funny thing is that those with trading skills who can make money with any strategy, don’t need yours, they tend design their own processes based on personal preference. Those without trading skills (who are looking for that profitable strategy) don’t have the necessary skills / mindset to make any strategy profitable, so there is no point in sharing your strategy with them either.

Sharing any strategy is essentially lose : lose.
Sad but true. :frowning_face: