Your winning Trading strategy and system should be kept secret

Do you agree that your winning Trading strategy and system should be kept secret?

Some traders have said, if you give them your strategy and system, it does not mean they will be able to trade it the same way and achieve the same results.


That’s definitely true (actually independently proven/verified, under experimental conditions, according to Tharp). But I think we all knew it’s true, anyway?

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the turtle trades proved it


More value is how you build and test strategies than how strategy trade.


No, I disagree. In my working life, I have met far more people who choose NOT to share their knowledge than those who are willing to. Rightly or wrongly, my opinion of such people is that they are weak, they are followers, not leaders. Leaders do not need to keep any secrets. They are confident in their own abilities to continue to perform ahead of the masses, and it is from that confidence comes their ability to be right more often than being wrong.

Logically, you should always be prepared to choose your own successor when those inevitable opportunities present themselves for you to move to the next level. If you do not have a candidate (a well groomed candidate) to take responsibility and accountability for what you used to do full time, you will never be able to be independent of the job you created for yourself in the past.

I tend to be comfortable having four or even a few more pursuits running in parallel. When I see people approach Forex trading as “the only thing they want to do as an income stream”, I know it is just a passing phase, that will almost always result in failure. When I see someone with a 20,000 hour experience in any pursuit (about 10 full years of average work), I see someone comfortable in their own skin at those specialisms that pursuit has brought for them.


This thread is one of the most ridiculous I have seen in the 7 years I have been here…

Another point to consider, will anyone with a winning strategy and system take time out of their day to teach it to others?

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I’m only interested in TA-based strategies and almost all are variations off earlier simpler TA-based strategies. These all follow the principles that you either buy because price has been rising - or you sell, for the same reason, because price has been rising. Flip it if price has been falling.

The indicators to confirm price has been rising, the chart patterns to identify entry points, it’s just detail.


Almost all strategies were birth out from fundamental strategies which were also created by some others, the likes of support and resistance, supply and demand, traditional indicators, candlestick patterns all of which if kept hidden wouldnt have make trading what it is today.
The question is “do they stopped being profitable?”; No.

The one very big thing standing in our way of profitability is us — traders.


This is true, Traders have developed winning strategies around these fundamentals but not all were winning strategies, I’m talking winning strategies regardless of what fundamentals they use

The fundamental foundation for building a winning strategy will always be there, support and resistance, supply and demand, indicators, candlestick patterns, etc

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Yes, this could be true, but what would be the reason any successful trader will take time out of their day just to share their winning strategy, that’s not normal unless they were trying to prove a point.

Successful traders don’t go around giving details of their system and when asked they give vague answers, does that make them weak?

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Well at least from the system I’ve traded, put together by somebody else, even with the rules, traders get different results. I was getting different result. So the rules aren’t enough to make you profitable. Unless the system is like what, purely mechanical I think they say, it’s not a guarantee you come out on top.

But part of me feels like if you spent the time, money and energy to develop something, it’s your decision to share it or not share it. Whatever you choose is the right decision for you. You don’t owe anybody anything.

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By winning, i believe you meant “profitability”. All these fundamental strategies outlined above never stopped to be a winning one, of which i gave the reason why.
It depends on the way you see them… Derived strategies were just modifications to the said fundamentals.

If not profitable that would make it a losing strategy, people who win don’t go around giving their winning strategy away, they keep it to themselves. it is a great accomplishment an individual can have, creating one’s own

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If you are a successful trader but you won’t disclose anything about your strategy people will just think you are lying.

In any case, even if you are not lying and you really are a successful trader but you don’t intend to disclose your strategy, why post that you are successful?

A truthful post is better than a lie, but that doesn’t mean it’s interesting to anyone.

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True … but I think maybe they think that less (and/or fewer of them think that) if it’s totally clear that you’re promoting/selling nothing, not marketing, and are not in any way potentially incentivized to try to “persuade” anyone of anything.

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Sometimes yes, sometimes no :woman_shrugging:

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I remember when I first started and heard a guy say these words - what separates losers from winners in this market is that losers are always looking to piggyback or for someone to provide them with winning strategies, while winners come up with their own, Two Different mindsets.

Does that hold true?


Absolutely. Definitely. It’s exactly right.

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