Most people will spend their entire lives, paying for their entire life. Whether it is a mortgage, credit card debt, student loans, car loan, lines of credit, or paying off a business loan the majority of life is spent just trying to get back to a legitimate zer0. Owing nothing to anyone, being free.
In reality most drifters have a better financial statement than working professionals do. Sure the professional has a 3000sq. foot house with granite counter tops and a two car garage. But they aren’t free. They couldn’t chose to stop work tomorrow without going bankrupt, thus putting them in the same situation as the drifter, back at zer0. For most of us getting to zer0 would be the biggest financial gain we could every hope to achieve.
Big boats, expensive cars and clothes would fun, but just getting to zer0 is the real goal.
zer0 is the goal, getting to zer0 is what it is all about.