Zulutrade, anyone use this service?

I have had a few trades stay open after the signal provider has closed them. Usually the system will automatically close down these positions for you. My account uses low leverage per trade so any individual position does not have a significant effect on my portfolio.

Interestingly, I have noticed more often a trade that is left open and is profitable in my favour. When this happens I either close it straight away and take the extra profit or, if I think there are more pips in the trade, set a new profit target and stop-loss and let it run.

I was informed that FXCM micro accounts can not ā€œhave a referring brokerā€ ( in other words, linked to a zulutrade account). Does anyone know if any of the other brokers once can choose with zulutrade will allow micro accounts (in other words to trade in micro-lots??) You can trade lot sizes that small with the demo accounts, it would seem redundant to be able to trade in micro-lots with the demo and not in an active accountā€¦ any info would be helpfulā€¦

I have read than zulutrade charge an extra commission per tradeā€¦ is it right?

Yes there is a 1pip/trade commission, depending on the broker you choose. I dont think this is too much though. I ve read that aaafx does not charge you any commissions, but I cannot confirm it as Im not using them.
For micro account brokers, I think most of the other brokers, except FXCM offer micro-lot trading, maybe you should contact them and ask

Exactly, so they want many many traders and many many trades. What does this tell you?

This tell me that they look for only systems that burn accounts. Systems that only want to open the highest number of postions to obtain its spreadsā€¦ Zulutrade, very nice businessā€¦

I use AAAFX and am happy with the service. I trade micro-lots using them.

Iā€™ve got a random, slightly off-topic questionā€¦ Does anyone know if thereā€™s any companies out there that do the same thing as Zulutrade? Do they have any competition? Are there any rival sites we can check out?

There are a lot of sites that offers the same that zulutradeā€¦ but everyone have their owns providers and aplicationsā€¦

Rent a signal





Anyways in my opinion the best are rentasignal and collective2

Yes ZT Strategy, I seeā€¦

You are happy with zulutrade services. And also youā€™re happy with AAAFX (by chance the zulutrade broker)

I imagine that also you will be happy with the salary that zulutrade pays to youā€¦

Ha ha, the only salary ZuluTrade pays to me is the one I earn by choosing good signal providers and setting my account up properly. In fact I notice that, despite making what I think are good choices, they sometimes take a salary from me. Some employers huh:p

well, zulu does have some Ok providers, canā€™t deny that.

And please people learn to do proper money management! Dont always blame the provider if you risk more than your account can handleā€¦Ive heard of a case where a guy was using standard lots in a $1,000 accountā€¦guess what happenedā€¦:confused:

Iā€™m agree with that. You have to know how to trade with automated, because itā€™s not as simple as a ā€œclickā€. You have to know about your size account, risk settingsā€¦ drawdowns, stop loss besides the providers of course. So itā€™s very important to select a site wich allows you to do all of these thingsā€¦ In my opinion zulutrade doesnā€™t have nice risk settingsā€¦ what do you think?

Well yes, it could be better, but I think its easy to do it yourself. One way is to first test on a demo, second is to take a providers worst trade and multiply it with the positions he opens and the lots you allocate for him. Eg worst trade is -300, he trades or you allow 3 positions, 1mini each so that would be (in the WORST case):
300 * 3 * 1 = 900pips or $900 that this provider might need from your account.
Again this is based on the worst trade and on the providers performance so far.

I think zulu guys heard your complaints about risk settings :smiley:
They added a max open trades statistic to the providers profile and also a max open lots feature on the advanced settings tab.

I just signed up with Zulu to be a provider. Just for fun to see how it works.

I would be very interested to hear how you get on. More good signal providers are always needed.

Also interested and agree that zulu needs more good and reliable providers! :slight_smile:

I use zulutrade for my forex account and Im also a Signal Provider ā€œserafinaā€ it works well and has pretty much become a full time job and I highly recommend it. I have a set of about 19 Signal providers who I have been using now for over 3 months and its going very very well my job is to sift through the 8102 signal providers out there in Zulu and recommend them. In addition to that Iā€™m a signal provider my self my trades are carried out in others accounts and it all works out nicely provided I do my job right :slight_smile: I recommend zulutrade to anyone but you have to be careful with the margin settings get it right and you can make good money from it get it wrong and your account will be blown to bits! If you would like to get my trades follow me in zulu ā€œserafinaā€ or if youā€™d like to open an account with zulu please go here ā€œpilotmaterial.zulutrade.comā€ IF YOU WISH!
Forgive me if this looks like self advertising!