Zulutrade, anyone use this service?

I tried Zulu on a whim. Waste of time. Why depend on someone else to pick your positions? That’s your cash, are you actually are going to entrust a stranger with it?

Zulu makes money. Signal providers like “serafina” make money. But I have yet to see a Superior Contributor in Baby pips recommend the site.

All depends on the settings marionette
Some people set too many lots and dont control the signal providers actions in their accounts and some dont give enough so they dont get much from it. I’ve seen people start with 500$ and do wonders with it and I’ve seen some start with 7000$ and lose all of it.
An a/c with $500 is growing at around 70$ to 100$ a day from a 500$ investment? Waste of time? I dont think so! Its a service use it well and the stresses of calling the shots in forex are gone use it carelessly you end up losing a lot if not all your money in your account. Yes Zulu makes money, serafina makes money and even the a/c holder makes a heck o a lot of money if all is done right, if you’d like my advice and help i’m willing to give it, hope that counts as a “contribution”

Well I’m happy for you. I really am. Yes: I’ve not had a good week but nothing to do with trading (other issues). It just really ‘gets my goat’ that forums such as this are used to promote services that are not worth their ‘salt’. If you’re receiving trade signals and you’re making money from them: then I apologise for my comments. That said: I hope it lasts is all. Like I said: my apologies. From the LITTLE research the I’ve done: the ZuluTade CONCEPT is a good one. But do yourself a favour and go and look at the ‘negative’ and you’ll be enlightened.

Anyway: you’re right about about one thing. I’m pretty ‘pis*ed’ about something that transpired this week and shouldn’t be taking it out on everyone. For that I apoloigise. I guess if the truth be told: if Zulutrade or any other such thing works for you then I’m really and truly happy for you. At the end of the day: there is only ONE purpose to all of this and that is to make money. If you make money by getting trading signals from the likes of ZuluTrade: then so be it. You’ve accomplished more than most.



No worries buddy! No offenses taken and no apologies needed.
I was and am simply trying to educate people to what “I” know and have experienced with Zulutrade.
My wife and I are seasoned traders { my wife being the better one :wink: } and “serafina” is linked directly to our MT4 accounts which mirrors the trades we carry out in those of the people who chose us to be their “Signal Provider” or "Trader"
Zulu gives us the opportunity to trade as we usually do and we can get customers through it based on our performance which is very carefully monitored by zulu not one single trade goes unnoticed! Its the duty of the customer to carefully look at the Signal provider’s performance and do a Due Diligence on it and then chose them.
As a trader this works for me because it gives me access to customers and a sweet income from my trading like no other, and as a customer I also have an account being traded in Zulu by around 19 Signal providers which I monitor like a hawk.
Zulu is a service! Combine it with good FX skills and disciplines and it can be fantastic for a business potential or a money maker.
I will say this, you HAVE to BE in Forex and know atleast the basics and be well versed with the proper discpilines in it even to chose a proper signal provider you have to… Just like you would if you were going to be trading the a/c your self
So back to my original offer :slight_smile: my wife and I have found a way of making zulu work took us over a year and we have done it so if anyone would “like” assistance or help please feel free to ask if you have tried zulu and it didnt work for you or you dont agree with it then “to each his own” what ever works for you :slight_smile: lets just stop fighting and blowing up at each other! :slight_smile:

Nah. I appreciate your honesty and response. I’m no expert on these things. I just believe that it’s a really ‘dirty business’ and, for some reason, honestly unbekown to me, it reallly 'pees me off (I don’t think that even the BabyPips software will have an issue with my ‘abbreviation’ here).

It’s quite funny actually. As you no doubt have gathered: I’m a South African and I guess that’s why the ‘Zulu’ thing has always caught my eye!!! LOL!!!

Anyway: I was probably way ‘out of line’ earlier (although in all fairness to me I really LIKE ‘serafina’ although I’d give HER signals not the other way around)!!! LOL!!!

But yes; I’m just ‘full of it’ today. It’s been a long time since I was THIS ‘pi**ed off’ about something but it will pass.

I don’t know WHO you are but I’ve ‘laid myself open’ to some constructive debate on Skype so if you’re bored then let’s have a little bit of a ‘chin wag’. If not: no problem. Skupe name: dpaterso65.

Otherwise: I really do wish both of you the very best in this ‘trading world’.



I dont know which “serafina” you’re referring to but I have adopted this name because thats the baptized name of my little girl “serafina” means angel and no doubt shes my little angel :slight_smile: My ladies (wife & 3 daughters) are my only reason for being alive! Hey I’m just a proud Husband and daddy! And one hell of a forex trader :slight_smile: LOL!

I am new here but would like to ask about aaafx
they are in europe and have a greek corporation
my question is I live in the usa has anyone had any
problems with out of this country fx dealers
also I have been trading zulutrader in demo mode for a a few
weeks and am having good results but have been very
active in adding and closing different providers

Guys theres no need to fight, we are here to help each other and exchange info! It is logical for different opinions to rise and its also logical for signal providers to try to promote their signals through this thread, but thankfully through the history tab we can everything about each provider :cool:
About serafina: link a live account to your provider and start trading from it and then maybe Ill think about adding you on a demo.
With -940 pips open positions and open since march 9, I dont think this is serious trading, no offense…

We are in the process of hooking up a Live A/C to “serafina” and as for the open trades its our USD/CAD which we opened and its turned against us for now but we never anticipated it to do so, however our analysis tells us that its gonna change very soon, but look at our history and you’ll see we close trades every day in + and trade very actively and definitely very seriously.
Thanks again for your comments, All the best

I have not been able to find serafina in zulu

Japanese crosses have gone crazy today. I’ve just woke up to see that they moved 100s pips in less than an hour. In my personal trades I got stopped out of a GBP/JPY trade that was more than 500 pips away from it’s stop-loss when I went to bed!

Anyway on ZuluTrade I’ve found some chaos in my account but I noticed again that 4 buy GBP/JPY positions have been left open and they are well in profit. Therefore I’ve done better than the signal providers account on these trades. Has anyone else had this?

I have just started trading live but demo for a month and I set zulu to monitor my trades and it is supose to close those trades for you and I also got cought with 100% victorious with gbp/jpy got stomped onlearned my lesson that I will allways have my own max drawdown stops in and not just theirs

If I understand right, you had fly on the wall on your live and you had bad results? If yes, dont allow more than 2 trades at a time for this guy, he may be good, but he has big DD before winning!

Dont use fly on the wall, he always goes against the market, he doesnt even read the news! I only use providers that trade from a live account.
Ill do an experiment with fly, ill make a demo and choose reverse! :smiley:

Thats an interesting idea actually!

zulu is pretty much a joke. if you can find anyone on their who’s making pips long term, i’ll be surprised.

I don’ t know if zulu is a joke but I know that often a big smile comes to my face… cause of my signal provider’ s green trades! :slight_smile: Stop & limit orders have saved me many times from losing my money + my smile.

Well, i know a lot of people don’t like zulu, but perhaps there are a few good traders there?

by the way, which signal provider is it?

PLEASE tell me he uses a SL?

Hmmm…BIG changes in the ranking! Top 50 completely different! From a first glance, it seems it focuses on providers that have a steady monthly gain of at least 5 months, the %DD doesnt seem to play so important role (which is bad), it seems to take into accounts weeks trading, monthly PnL and some other factors that I cannot tell yet until I look into it more.