Zulutrade, anyone use this service?

very nice results golden mood!!
you use a strategy based on 21.2 % correlated pairs…care to share details on this…

May be cause Trading GU & EU only. so zulu write 21.2% correlated pairs…

I am 1 of the Original Naked trader, no indicator, no scalper, no E-Advisor.

scalping and EA give more advantages for SP, but actually give disadvantages for followers. I don’t know why zulu give high rank for scalpers for 5-10 pips TP, while in SP guide - zulu explained that scalping not recommended.

my strategy …
Price Action trading system, trend rider with demand-supply principal & fundamental.

minimum target is 500 pips/month up to 1000 pips, Once 500 pips reached, i usually reduce my trading action and just open in optimum condition until the end of month.

Daily Trading in 4H & 1D TF with max. 4 open positions
Dynamic TP, between +40 up to +150.

Dynamic SL with Cut Loss system according to my daily fundamental analysis (usual range -100 up to -200)

my SP recommended setting : 0.01 lot for min. $400 with max. 2 open position.

best regards,
The Golden Moon

i do not think this is the case, but again maybe you can help me by giving up some names as referrals…I would not want to become victims of these type of traders …


the recent rank is #93 now.

i feel, top 100 like a strong resistance, but now … it is time to break out.

the rank is not everything 4 me, above all, i hope to give good result for many people,

have a nice trades

best regards

The Golden Moon

You have a very nice average pip per trade stat (43) and low max drawdown , if you keep your promised 2 positions max as you state in your strategy description , count me in as a follower in near future.

you trade well and ranking will not matter much to you at all! dont you worry !!
you good thought, did not expect it - $58,814 in live followers way to go :slight_smile:

Hello, it is worth to check the performance of the below guy! He knows something…


for sure he does NOT know how to control his losses, so one should be careful when he follows.

Nice, looks good and on the drawdown, guess that’s one way to look and sort through top zulu rankers

yes one way to put it, it is…but i was thinking more along the lines of dd/trade - i consider 70 pips a bit of a bumper for me…

Hmm, yes I would too. The problem is that not many of the copy trading services put up detailed stats per trade and zulu (luckily for the newbies), does not happen to be one of those…
Of course, you would have to review all the info and resources on zulu before you can make sense of the metrics and the ranks…

Hi, I am new to this forum and these posts on Zulutrade looks very informative!

I hope they make separate section for Zulutrade!

every section on zulutrade is separate and special! we have written quite a lot among the years.
So, what is your account account settings and who are you following?

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hello there jason,
good for you, but this is based on their past performance, right?
we all know this can hardly be an indication of future behavior :slight_smile:

Dear Eddy MO))
I have lost all my small deposit for the last week, it is not so good( But now I have a lot of knowledges about what to do and I know my mistakes.
Big lot was my big mistake, because my deposit wasn’t enough to save my money. Now i know that top 10 providers doesn’t garanty the profit to you. Also i think that 500$ doesn’t enough for good start on zulu, and if you want to get more then 20-40$ in month you have to have more then 500$,
Deposit on my zulu account and start again)))

Hey there St Sarah,

Thank you for replying, long time no talk!
maybe you were following too many providers that you were following and then it didn’t perform well, maybe you were following too risky, and you didnt zuluguard there were a lot of factors that may cause all this. I hope you learned from your mistakes and you are ready to improve you account management.

I hope my next step will be more profitable, let you know.
there are a lot of information on babypips about Zulu - good job for everyone!

You do that definitely!

Well this is one of my main goal btw, as the account management is by us - the followers, each of us providing with as much personal experience (even if this being subjective, it doesnt matter) it benefits us all at the end of the day! the more we post the richer and better the community becomes.

Does somebody have a fresh and good list of traders they are currently following?