Zulutrade, anyone use this service?

We are group of traders working for fxynot, we personnaly were using zulutrade and fxstat as well, but we believe that it s not a good way to make money for a long term, the best thing is to trade for his account if you can not they you need to go for good company for money management, if not so no need to risk your money :).

Hello there, good that we have new traders actually writing here :slight_smile: awesome!
care to share your zulutrade signal provider, so I can check you out. maybe follow should you be a good one?

I know I am a good trader but I do not have enough trades to show the community that Iā€™m good so itā€™ll take some times but if you look closely you can notice that there is potential. I have 20 trades and achieved above 1500 pips. I think that is good.


Because Iā€™m a long term investor I can have large drawdowns but they are always recoverable!

Your results are pretty good! You keep trading like this, you will find followers will stick to you like crazy :wink:

I know but Iā€™m patient :slight_smile: and thank you for the compliment!

I cant tell you who to follow and how, but you can always check out the ranking, and whoever you follow, needs to actually have low drawdown and positive last 50 trades (this is totally my criteria)

True! Nobody can actually tell you how to follow, each of us have to figure it out for ourselves :wink: but overall look for a margin with lower level - like 30-40%. This is my way of trading.

To minimize DD of FxTurtle500 to less than 500 pips per month, only these pairs will be traded starting February 17, 2014. GBPJPY, GBPAUD, EURAUD, USDJPY. Max open position is 3.

ZuluTrade - Trader Performance - fxturtle 500


Hmm arenā€™t u the one who blew my Account last year? How much did u earn from zulu so farā€¦ Just curiousā€¦

You have to be more specific of what you mean by blowing an account. If you mean if it went in a negative, yes, it did. FxTurtle is still in negative, FxTurtle500 was in negative and now back to positive.

If you mean blowing an account like those providers who goes down and just disappear, then no, itā€™s not me.

If you blew your account, you have a poor risk management. If you did follow me before and my signals blew your account, Iā€™d have to say that stop copying or trading at all because you do not respect risks, you only see the reward.

Signal providers only provide signals, you have to be responsible for the risk management side.

Did I earn from Zulutrade? Just under $100.


Hmm yeep i followed one of ur old accounts and it went from positive to negativeā€¦ Just curiousā€¦ U seemed to have lots of followers. U earned total less than $100!? I thought it would be a 6 figure at least

The account with many followers is Fxturtle. it went into negative and I stopped trading it for a while. I started trading it again last November 2013 and it is slowly coming back to life.

I wish Iā€™ve earned 6 figures.


So basically even though u had so many followers ur total income was less than 100s?

Good lucks btw

It is for first time i m talking w any providersā€¦ So who are people earning 6 figures there??

I donā€™t know but we can make an average for the number 1 at this moment which is tianxiahui98.

  • 1741 trades divided by 66 = 26.38 trades a week multiply by 4 = an average of 105.52 trades a month.
  • 3139 followers divided by 3 = 1046 followers

Letā€™s assume everybody follows his signals with a micro account than it will be like this.

  • 105.52 trades multiply by 1046 followers multiply by 0.05$/traded micro lot = 5558.70$

Letā€™s assume everybody follows his signals with a standard account than it will be like this.

  • 105.52 trades multiply by 1046 followers multiply by 5$/traded standard lot = 551 869.6$

Heā€™ll likely be earning between those 2 figures but no one can calculate this properly. This is only a 1 month earning.

I always take 1/3 of the followers due to the fact that not everybody is following his signals with a live account.

Another calculation I can make is the following.

  • 105.52 multiply by 349 followers multiply by 0.05$/traded micro lot = 1841.32$
  • 105.52 multiply by 349 followers multiply by 0.50$/traded mini lot = 18 413.24$
  • 105.52 multiply by 349 followers multiply by 5$/traded standard lot = 184 132.40$

Total earnings are 204 386.96

In my opinion this figures will be too much but if you take 1/3 of it than it will be more appreciated.

204 386.96$ divided by 3 = 68 128.99$


Holy ā€¦ That is like lot of money every month??? Is that possible??? Well hmm it depends on how many real subscriber one hasā€¦ So lets say most of the people in top 20 earning at least a few thousand dollar every monthā€¦

Itā€™s possible to achieve that amount off money when youā€™re good and have a lot of followers. Normally top 10 SPā€™s should earn between 2000$ and 50 000$ each month.

You seem to be very eager to actually know how SPs are earning and calculating results in a cheep manner. I think trader should concentrate better in trading rather than calculating in what they will eventually be getting. trading performance is directly connected to following and you cant get followers should you be performing mediocre.

Hi, Iā€™m new to forex but ever since I started in January of this year Iā€™ve become obsessed with the idea of quitting the 9 to 6 existence and having the freedom to work from anywhere in the world and earn a comfortable living. Is there anybody that uses Zulutrade as their number one source of income? Eddy I see you are a zulutrader? I understand that it isnā€™t as easy as just follow, sit back and watch your equity grow. So far my experience with Zulutrade has been positive. My plan is to deposit 25k into Zulutrade and carefully manage my account. If I can earn an average of 3k per month, thatā€™s better than my engineers salary. Is this possible or is there anybody on this site that is currently doing this?