Zulutrade, anyone use this service?

I have been with them fairly new. Looks like they have one of those good signal providers. Always a good one for someone just starting up trading.


There is no money earn easily, i strongly advise you to find your own strategy to trade, i have few friends who destroyed their account with social trading


I hear lots of about it but donā€™t know more. I hear they provide copy type trading service which allow to copy other your chosen professional trader who already achieve more success and you can follow their trade only paid some charge.

ZuluTrade Inc. is a financial services company, headquartered in New York City, with its main operations based in Cyprus and offices in Hong Kong, Shanghai and Athens, Greece. Operating in the foreign exchange market, it owns zulutrade.com, an online retail foreign exchange platform that provides social trading. The feature ZuluTrade is famous for is that it allows you to copy trades of professional traders with minimum charges and let your account autotrade by a master traders

ZuluTrade - Trader Performance - A CLEAR HORIZON

You are getting negative resultsā€¦how come? Too mane trades in the negative horizonā€¦im so sorryā€¦hope the markets revert!