Do any of you have a forex blog?

I have been reading the forums for awhile and have since become addicted to Forex blogs.

Do any of you have a Forex blog. If so I would like to check it out. Not sure if we can post links to personal blogs. (If this is inappropriate then please remove this thread moderators.)

Otherwise post a link to your blog or PM me a link to your blog. There aren’t enough forex blogs to read.

I am looking forward to finding good blogs that aren’t abandoned.

Happy Investing,


I think this is a great question. It’s fun to read other traders blogs. If you haven’t done so already, we host a bunch of blogs right here on the site.

I also want to welcome any traders to post their blog link in this post. If you want, we will put a link for your blog on our blogs (provided that you aren’t selling anything and agree to put a link back to

I’m excited to see how everyone is trading!




Big Pippin,

I have read a lot of the blogs on this site. In fact your old blog is how I found babypips. I love the style you guys write in it definitely adds humor.

I have just posted a link to your site on my blog. (Bottom right side). I would love if you guys linked to my blog. I am not selling a darn thing either… lol.

Now that I know it’s OK I will post the link to my blog here: Coastalfx Journal

Posters, let’s see your blogs!



I’ve had a forex blog for a while now. I mainly use it to journal my trades as well as just ramble on about various aspects of the forex market and trading in general.

The blog is ForexSpirit.

My blogroll contains links to other interesting trading related blogs I’ve come across.


Hope this helps.

It is not my blog but it is a blog I found today. This guy claims he has been making 200 pips per week consistently since 2002. He has some very good trades with video to back them up and he makes the calls before hand.

Nick’s Forex Blog


Thanks for the contributions everyone. I am working to get your links added to the blogroll. Keep them coming :slight_smile:


Just to let you know I have linked to your blogs and would love to link to others. If they would post them. I can’t believe we are the only ones with blogs.

All the best,


I have a trading education blog. While it’s not market specific, most of the material is applicable to forex trading, and some of the stuff is directly about forex.The Essentials of Trading.


I’ve finally settled on the rules for a trading experiment I’ve been flirting with. Here’s a link to the blog I just started on it:
Dark Side of the Forex

Thanks for the tip, BP. There’s a link back to down at the bottom of it.

:smiley: Keep pippin… :smiley:


My blog forexology is a journal of my forex journey, an inventory of mostly great free forex goodies, plus great links to sites like Babypips.

I’ve been trading live since June 7, 2007 and I share my sorrows and joys there. My experience with demo accounts are reported there as well.

You are welcome to visit.


Yup, at Forex Made Easy: Money Management Is Everything

It is an expirement in which I try to prove that pure money management and 3 random trades/day of 3 different currency pairs is all it takes to make a killing in Forex.

Please check it out and take part in the poll. I would really appreciate some input from my fellow Forex traders.


“2. No advertising. Duh! We make you pay for that :slight_smile: However, if you have over 50 posts we will allow you to put your personal/business links up provided that it is relevant to the topic that is being discussed. All links deemed as advertising/spamming will be deleted.” - Forum Rules

All links posted by members with less than 50 posts will be deleted.

-Forex Forum Admin


Damn. I’m no where near the 50 post limit. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just started a blog today, mainly for me. I plan on keeping a journal there, also sharing thoughts, insights, and anything else i see fit to post. Since I can’t post my blog I’ll tell you what I’ve posted so far. :smiley: Well, first and foremost, there’s the Babypips link. My first and only forex love. :o I’ve started here in Nov 2006 and since then this place has educated and motivated me. So the first thing I did was sparing me of the newbies and sending them to you guys :stuck_out_tongue: (just joking, newbies welcome!) Afterwards, there’s some history, ideology (comparing forex to women, stuff like that), the usual warnings people give to newcomers ( I wouldn’t consider myself a trader if I didn’t warn newcomers), a little confession (Yeah after more than a year, I still trade demo. So what?), and all the other stuff I can’t remember wright now.(It’s 2:00 AM wright now where I live. ). Warning though, serious traders should stay away, I’m planning to write this blog with 75% humorous references, puns and overall funny stuff I can throw in.

I’m beat. Off to bed. See you!


are you from Greece?

No, Romania. But still in the same timezone. :slight_smile:

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Hi can you please tell me why the blog hasn’t being updated since 2nd of FEB? thanks

My blog is Pipsopolis

I’ve actually just started a new blog at Rhody Trader - The Musings of a Trading and Investing Addict. Real creative, eh? :slight_smile:

Whereas my The Essentials of Trading blog focuses on trading education exclusively, the new blog is one that lets me follow my thoughts in other directions. It’s not forex specific, but I’m sure I will venture into that area on a fairly regular basis with my thoughts on the markets and whatnot.


I run a Forex blog. We post tips, tricks, strategies and videos for the Forex market. We are going to start doing some webinars soon and are really excited about it. You should check it out Forex Strategy Secrets- Learn to Trade Forex. Offer your feedback we would love to hear what you think!

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I’ve had a forex blog since I started demo trading about 2 months ago. It’s rather amateurish and maybe even embarrassing to seasoned traders (I don’t really know if I have any idea what I’m doing or not), but check it out if you want:

[B]Since my link was edited out, please use the link in my profile.[/B]