1,500 PIPS PER MONTH with this method, VSA/SR/fibb etc

I may be wrong but seems to me where EnPoint was indicating with the arrows was where there was a clear uptrend, and a narrow bodied candle with low volume. The psychology of that being despite the price being at that point, very few people were interested in closing longs or shorting. That means the price will go up as the trend will continue without shorting or closing positions. If there was high volume - that would represent indecision, possible change in direction, or a squat bar in vsa talk, which is an indicator trend reversal. Medium volume would mean no clear signal. The alternative is that you could say, that at that point it could represent people not interested in buying - but as petefader said, most trends end in bang rather than a whimper ie: with high volume, not low, so the more likely outcome is the trend would continue. I am not good at spotting these, as my brain is wired to seek out high volume, not low, but I need to practise seeing these, as they make up a lot of the possible trades.

Thats what you want. Step 1 is spotting the high volume (not acting on it) because step 2 isā€¦ what did that high volume represent? The answer is provided by the succeeding price action.

Just goes to show youā€¦ little scalps during dead time.

yeh i see a good couple of opportunities along that downtrend

Thanks EnPoint. I think I get it. So the steady increase in volume on up-bars and then coming down to your S/R line with no supply bar? That would be your entry? Makes perfect sense. Thank you.

Ive read through every page in this thread and there was some talk that went into news, and the impression I got was mostly that it is rubbish, and its an opprtunity for SM to manipulate the markets. Having said that, it also seemed like people avoided trading around significant news events.

There hasnt been any mention of this in the last 10 pages or so at least, so I was wondering if people actually do use news feeds to timely avoid trading around releases. And if that is the case, why avoid news, if SM manipulation can be observed through VSA?

Sorry to ask such a boring question in the heat of VSA talk :stuck_out_tongue:

To VSAā€™ers, charts are the news. Not the actual news. LOL

Hello XXRyoXX,

There are no boring questions and this is a place to learn, so you asked in the right place.

I do use a news calendar to avoid trading right before and during a major news release. The reason is that this kind of events can alter the market in such a way that volatility goes out of control from a ā€œregularā€ trade management/money management perspective, so Iā€™d say itā€™s not worth the risk.

BUT, just after the news efect has settled, you can watch for footprints that SM left during that particular news release. If this announcement left evidence of stopping volume, you can wait for a no demand or no supply bar (depending wether you are looking at support or resistance). But thatā€™s the only way that I can recommend using news from an intraday trading perspective.

Hope that helps.

I think you can look at this in several different perspectives:

  1. You look at the news and you keep in mind that the SM is gonna do the opposite or that it provides them the opportunity to do so.
  2. You look at the news, mark the time of the news and you are either cautious around these times or you dont trade at all at those times.
  3. You donā€™t care about news at all. Your decision is based only on the price action.

I think Tom Williams would be number one, EnPoint number three, and I am number 2 :).

Nice short setup on the 15 min trend continuation on low volume, 20+ PIPS, so easy, have a look at it - clear as day, and please donā€™t ask for the fish!

Missed that setup

I guess it would have been the orange circled on the EUR/USD 5 min chart. Thought the candle was too wide, but thats experience for you.

Went in later at the red circle, although the volume was a bit too high:

Annoying though - I was out for 10 pips, when it was a 60 pip drop, I have got to work on my TP.

What a day :slight_smile:

Full disclosure, I did get stopped out a couple times for BE in the chop. But who cares if you catch the big one :slight_smile:

You bet! got the same one. This trading method is really awesome. Thanks Petefader for all your hard work!

This is what Iā€™m seeing for Friday.

Could see this tooā€¦ Iā€™m not buying the current bounce. That Greek announcement just now was non-news yet people went nuts on it. SM might have been selling heavily into that.

Please could you explain what made you enter that short? Thank you very much.

The big two bar 5m upthrust after a period of consolidation/ranging between the 50% and 61.8% fibs of the down move. I didnā€™t wait for an ND bar this time.

Non news but I think the crowd knows and is short - thus SM was buying into it to catch people out.

Thank you kind sir. Very obvious. We can call it two bar reversal or a two bar up-thrust. I see what you mean, I just donā€™t understand how I could miss THAT! :frowning: