1,500 PIPS PER MONTH with this method, VSA/SR/fibb etc

Luiz can you pls post a chart about this? And also can you pls tell me where to read about order flow and stop-hunt tactics?

Thanks to both of you for answers.

Order flow refers to the order book that’s in the market which is made up of the orders that all the various players in the forex market have input. So you’ll have central banks, sovereigns, sovereign wealth funds, corporate treasuries, custody banks, clearers, prime brokers, real money, retail interest, model funds, BIS, etc. All of these will have orders placed in the market at various prices and these orders will be of variable sizes. These different entities will be entering and exiting the market depending on their own specific goals and timeframes. For example there could be a buy large order in Cable at month end when HSBC want to pay out their dividend. They’ll be looking to buy Cable at a good price and will have their orders loaded so that if price falls to that level they’ll fill part of their order. If price keeps hitting that level they’ll eventually get their order filled completely and if nobody else is interested much at that level and the buy order book is outweighed by the sell order book then price will drop down through that level until buyers are found again.

Stop hunting is where big players move price around to try and gather up the stops that might be hiding below certain points. This allows them to grab a quick few pips more and also allows them to see what sort of orders are in the book below the stops. If they see that the order book is strong around the stops area they’ll cover their original positions and book their profit. If the order book is weak under the stops they’ll keep pushing until they eventually come into a decent set of orders. When they hit the decent set of orders you’ll most likely see volume as the sell orders hit the high number of buy orders. Whoever has the bigger clout will win the day then.

Tomorrow should be interesting!

Thanks for your thoughts SagiCZ. Ah! That makes sense.

Stopping Volume on both pairs, bouncing off the 50 fib. Usually don’t do this, but going long on both.

Wow! Big news just hit, got out at +100 for my USD/CHF trade, my GBP/USD was at +5 when this happened, so I decided to get out just incase something crazy happened :slight_smile:


i have one question. Im not sure if there is a answer in this big thread already. Im at the beginning now.
I read from Metatraders that the Volumes in MT4 are only the counted ticks, not the volume of lots.
So, how you get the lot volume in your chart/software? Or are you only using the summary of ticks? If so, wouldnt it be better to get the information of the real volume?


First post, on the first page :slight_smile:

PS, I am fully aware that we are not talking about actual Volume traded, but Volume of ticks…and I prefer it that way. No debates please…we are waaaaaay past that.

thx for your hint DodgeV83, and shame on me. :slight_smile:

LaHood - you’ll find this interesting - http://www.purplepatchforex.co.uk/FxTraderVolumeArticle.pdf

Thanks Pipbandit i apreciate it

With the stop hunting they’ll target likely areas where stops will reside - you can guess where they probably are fairly easily as they’ll usually be tucked under obvious swing points. For today there’ll be intra-day stops above 1.44 and below 1.4310 most likely:

Stopping volume, then the test showed no selling interest.

Going long.

You try to catch the bottom here, hope it work out for ya.

Exited half at +20, then set SL to +10, which was hit.

Looks like the down move might be continuing…we’ll see.

Low volume test shows no interest in shorting. Going long.

Edit: Exited half at mid-pivot (+25), set stop to BE.

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I have to give up the market on both of my orders as soon as the brakes price is not demand, and no power bars. I will send cards when I see how it went. I do not want to ruin this thread with an incorrect analysis. I am just so you all know

I cannot understand what you are trying to say.

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