1,500 PIPS PER MONTH with this method, VSA/SR/fibb etc

I’m cool with that, see you over there :slight_smile:

yes i agree with you on this “to put links to the best postings on the new thread, I think that would be perfect.” i totally agree
personally i need to read from page 150 as adviced ealrier to get a grasp and i guess al stick to daily charts as am working or how to partime traders use VSA what timeframes?

Hey Pete,
Long time listener (reader) first time caller. I’ve been following the thread for a while and watching your videos on youtube. I really appreciate you sharing your knowledge so openly. I opened a demo account for the first time this week. Set it up with 5k since that would be more realistic to my starting budget. Trading on volume and with fibs I banked about $2,700 in 3 days. I had a couple of losses but most were wins (100% winning trades today for example). Obviously, I’ve had a great teacher with you and the BabyPips site, but I’m still a little surprised at the success. Has this week been an exceptional profitable week for you as well? Could that be a normal week? Are my expectations unrealistic?

I just want to remain humble, so that the markets not humble me if you know what I mean.

Look forward to your feedback.


It sounds like you are risking a little too much, but certainly half of that on sensible money management could be possible, but you will probably suffer some weekly losses too.

Was a pretty average week pip wise for me, keep up the good work. Come on over to the[B] new thread[/B], I’d rather not have two going at once…

Thanks for re-enforcing that key point. I need to start with good habits if I want to be at this long term.

Thanks for the response and the invite. I wasn’t aware of that thread.

Thanks for your suggestion, I will look forward to it.

I’m curious about a couple things. I noticed sometimetimes when there is stopping volume it will go sideways a bit then just take off. Other times there is a shaleout then takes off. Then other times there is a double bottom then takes off. Is it something you just have to watch or is there something to look for?

Are you following the new thread? We don’t post here anymore. You should watch the videos. Plenty of information on that topic is given. Go to the first post. 301 Moved Permanently

Hey thank you very much. This was really helpful to start with.: 35:

i’m gonna try this thing out

this is 1 of the forex truths

learning and using, thanks

excellent webinar, if anyone recorded it pls shoot me a pm

Thanks…you should probably post in the current thread. 301 Moved Permanently

hy petefader.

i hope i learn a lot from you.



Could anybody provide the link to the interview that Madzane94 mentioned? Thanks!


You are funny, man. I was watching your video series from your original post and your last video with the lesson using MS paint and “this mouse is terrible” comment made me blow up falling out of my chair.

HAHAHA, I wish you all the pips ever … thanks for the lessons.


Forgive me for referencing charts from years ago! I’m am methodically and meticulously going through your treads, starting here, and learning your method of volume analysis.

Why wouldn’t you have entered on a break of the little red box? (I think that is the “automatic rally”???)
If that is a viable entry would you suggest putting a stop 10ish pips below recent low?

Is it better to wait for the “no supply” (sorry if that “no supply” is wrong term - I still don’t fully grasp nomenclature, yet!), like we see on the last candle of this chart. ( I also see a confirmation of the bottom, thus double bottom, with “stopping volume” on the second to last candle.
If the last candle is in fact a confirmation of “no supply” I assume the close of the candle is a valid entry and the recent low would again serve as a place to put my stop, of course 10 pips below.

PS I have read past this post further into the tread and still had this question. Ultimately it looks like I would have got stopped out in both situations above.