1,500 PIPS PER MONTH with this method, VSA/SR/fibb etc

Be careful with your short NeroKoso. I anticipate eu to go to 38000

I did exactly the same thing. You are no noob I see. :wink:

Iā€™ll look to re-enter on a clear signal.

anyone else think based on the m15 chart, there are more sellers than buyers in the market?

So Iā€™m in short when you looking longs. o0 Well, I havenā€™t read any news for last 1 year. There is not such thing as good news. One pretty smart guy said that. I kinda agree. Iā€™m better without news.

Oh and right now, my aggressive move by taking new short just after BE is going on profit. But still need to be careful.

ā€œThis forum requires that you wait 300 seconds between posts. Please try again in 1 seconds.ā€ lol I just got thatā€¦ Trying again now.

Well, I just took 15 pips from that aggressive move I made. Closed whole thing. Now Iā€™m going to wait and see what happens.

And thx for your kind words. :stuck_out_tongue: Iā€™ve traded 2 years. Found this volume thing just 2 months ago, and it was this thread where I found it from. I havenā€™t read Tomā€™s book yet. Only reading this thread. I should read that book, but so busy.

Thatā€™s why Iā€™m taking shorts. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank youā€¦there you have it. There IS enough info in this thread to ā€œget itā€ if people just read it. Seems like many read a little, then start asking me questions I have already answered.

Yes. I read this thread once. Now Iā€™m reading this for second time. When I read this first time, I only read couple pages at a time and take a break. Thatā€™s how I remember better. Took couple of weeks to read all I think. Always looking at charts and trying to see same things what have been in this thread.

All didnā€™t make sense, but now when Iā€™m reading again and after some mess ups in mini account, all makes so much sense.

And yes, you have answered to all questions for over 5 times at least. :smiley: haha

Yup - this thread is probably more useful than a lot of material as itā€™s pulling examples from the exact things weā€™re trading in. Books tend to use examples from stocks, etc. which is fine as the principles are the same but having concrete & recent examples of EU and GU trades is very handy. Though having said that the Master the Markets book is well worth a few reads - at 119 pages and not overly wordy putting some time into reading it will not be wasted time.

Yes. I have it. I just need little time to read it. I donā€™t wanna rush read it. 'cause then I wouldnā€™t get much out from it. I would need to read it slowly and think in same time.

Agreed and agreed. BTW Gotraderā€™s Volume/price feed has been crapping out here and there, not good. Iā€™m using ibfx demo for Volume atm.

Just get out of the long for 16 pips, looking to sell again :o
Pretty choppy market weā€™ve got here :confused:

Hmm? I shall download that too then. Letā€™s see how big difference there is.

Editā€¦ Wellā€¦ Even blind could see this difference. XD

Wellā€¦ Here I go again. Aggressive as usual. Iā€™m in short.

If by aggressive you mean keeping a tight stop you might want to be careful youā€™re not caught out by some large swings at 3pm GMT when ISM numbers are released. Iā€™ve gone flat until theyā€™re out personally.

My aggressive means pretty tight stop and pretty small position. Even if this will be stopped, I will still be in profit zone today. And when I do aggressive moves with small positions, I tend to close those pretty fast too. Basically Iā€™m just doing something 'cause Iā€™m bored. :stuck_out_tongue:

My aggressive short just gave me 20 pips. Small loot, but risk/reward ratio was okay. Now Iā€™m seeing so much volume and bouncing that I got scared. I think I watch now.

LOL, thatā€™s not good to tell the noobs. Only for the professionalsā€¦donā€™t try this at home kids. :smiley:

Oh. My bad. :stuck_out_tongue:

But hey, what you say about that candle in 15M TF? Kinda good thing I closed when I got 20 pips. I feel like going longā€¦ I think I need to chop my fingers right now. Good trades today, better stop now ā€¦ for at least next 30 minutes.

edit. Okay, forget that long. While I was typing that opportunity was gone. :stuck_out_tongue: Coulda get 20 pips from that tooā€¦

5 and 15min show high volume down bars without breaking rangeā€¦shorts are off the table for me now, possible long.

I was thinking same way. :stuck_out_tongue: Also 30M TFā€¦ There is one candle about to close. It looks nice too.

Editā€¦ 1 hour candle made new low and new high. Looking at 6 last candles. So if there was ppl going short or long before this last 1 hour candle, stops were hitā€¦ Then in that move, ppl were going short and long. And prob. got stopped out.

So what Iā€™m thinking is that soon we start to move somewhere. Up or downā€¦ Iā€™m not sure.