1,500 PIPS PER MONTH with this method, VSA/SR/fibb etc

Oh man… I shoulda went long in there. Everytime… I think about going long after closing short… Everytime… It just goes up. lol But if I would do that, then it would crash down of course. :smiley: Well… I got good profit. Very good profit taking spots. And I can’t catch every move. If I would try, I would lose all money.

They have got massive Bids lined up…all the way up to 1.40+

Offers are at the usual places…

Keep calm, I think you’ve nailed it now, there will be plenty of chances to long.

lol… Now when I look at it… And now that I remember what line it was (lol)… Yea. I shoulda totally went long in there. I woulda have double or even more what I just made. :smiley: Haha! Well. I can laugh when I do mistakes. :slight_smile: I’m not stressed. I’m use to this.

I was asleep for the short but managed to catch some of the ride back up for +0.8%. Went in fairly light as was just looking at the chart on my phone and couldn’t see any volume. Still - hard to go too wrong lately following the buy the dip principle. BTFD as they say. 1.40 is probably a decent target. Goldman Sachs’ FX team had issued a 1.40 target a while back and then promptly junked it a few days later - which probably means that that’s exactly where it’s going as GS wouldn’t want their customers to be trading the same direction as their trading desk :wink:

Now it goes even higher and I don’t see any stopping volume. If I woulda opened that trade, I would still have half open. Well… I did something that I very rarely do… Breakout … I’m long, but risking only 0.5%. So even if this goes bad, I’m still inda profit zone today. And if that gives something extra, I’m happy.

…because stops got tripped.
A S/L for a short is a BUY order.
The shorts from this morning tucked their stops above 1.3780. They are flushed now.
Weak Longs are next in line to get flushed…just wait…

A BUY/SELL is an order.
A T/P is an order.
A S/L is an order.

This is all about ORDERS. :slight_smile:
And WHO is behind those ORDERS…

I’ll be keeping an eye to go long at 1.3770ish - retrace to 31.8 and support, lets see what the volumes say.

I got 15 pips from that long. I closed half and locked BE. Now BE got hit. So I got little little little bonus. :smiley:

How 'bout that 50-61.8 area? I maybe go long soon…

4:30AM EST Candle did it :slight_smile: Naughty, naughty London Traders!

Just curious, how were you able to infer the bid presence up to 1.40? Goldman Sachs target levels? If you prefer not to divulge, no problem. :slight_smile:

EDIT: Sorry for bringing this off-topic guys…totally unintentional.

Worth looking out for, I got 2 Fibs at that level!

Hmm. I’m long… Again with only 0.5% risk.

Can’t knock it, I played safe - unfortunately.

My playing safe is risking 0.5 %… Normal/usual risk is that 1 %… But sometimes I take that 2 % risk. At very clear signs on major supports or resistances.

I already closed 1/3 from that trade.

I took the same long as you Nero. Closed out already though - locked in my daily target plus a bit extra and didn’t feel like gambling with the news releases coming now.

2/3… BE hit. Well… I shoulda close whole thing too. :smiley:

Edit… It just hit my stop and then up up up up it goes. pfft. I knew it would go up, but I guess I locked BE too early… oh well… Better than making nothing or actually lose.

Okay… So. I missed one good long. Then, I’m in another long, but BE hit. 0o Oh man that stings.

This “game” is so brutal sometimes. There is so much to learn. Always learning something new. I’ve always said that you learn most from mistakes. I always ask myself: why? Everytime something goes wrong: Why this happened? What I need to do differently? This totally is hardest game I’ve ever played. :smiley:

It’s a constant education alright… and sometimes quite a humbling experience. Nothing like getting a good kick in the teeth to teach a lesson though it seems I’ve needed multiple boots to learn some of the basic stuff in this game.

Short from 1.3796 too - small entry after seeing volumes kick in around the 1.38 level again.

Wherever the current 1hr candle closes may give us an indication of what’s going to happen next…