1LotStp.com Broker or Hotforex? Which is better broker

I`ll always go with Hotforex it has been 1 and half (even more) year with them and they are decent in compare of any broker.

wow there is a big number of traders trading with hotforex. not bad at all :smiley: its nice to see good feedbacks. happy trading every one

thank you all for your responses to my post, i did go with 1lotstp in the end, 0 complaints, service is A+

That’s great, wish you get good trades.

I am new here but not new to trading forex. Both brokers have good points. 1lotstp i have experience with as they have been around longer.

I would go with neither and pick an entirely different broker.

in which broker you think, I’m Looking for brokers that even HotForex.

Personally I am trading with PaxForex, but that does not mean that you should change your mind about the broker you want to trade with. I always tell people to do their own research and pick the broker they think suits them best. I like a broker who does not stand still and you can see them work hard at offering an overall better service which explains my choice.

There are so many brokers out there, that my best advice is that you ignore what others say and where others trade and go with the trader that you think is the right choice for you.

thank you, these are very good advice, I’m happy with my broker for now I have no problem with them, I will follow your advice staying with HotForex very good for forex brokers who turns in Africa.

That’s a good decision. Don’t forget to come back here after 1-2 months and tell us our trading results.

As long as you are happy do not change your broker.

Lots of friends got messed up with hot forex

I think 1lotstp.com is worth a try based on the reviews i been seeing from others and my own experience with the FXSystems brokers.

Id go with what everyone else is recommending here and 1lotstp.com cause they just appear more together.

I am new to trading, i am taking your advice and will trade with 1lotstp

I opened a standard account with both brokers and ended up in the end with a VIP 1lotstp account. Both companies offer 100% bonus which was nice.

Their offer sounds very good until they keep their words. In that case you may choose any one, but my suggestion is to go with some one who would be cost effective to you! There are many things you need to consider before opening an account.

Both are two good brokers that we can try. But I think Hotforex is more popular.

I’ll suggest 1lotstp.com

I’ll go with 1lotstp.com. Because they have nice spreads and transparent system that i experienced from last three month.