$2.74 To $2740 within 10 days


Hey Oliver1968. Welcome. And I love your post!!! LOL!!! Not sure about your avatar though!!! LOL!!! It’s not exactly ‘in vogue’ at the moment!!! LOL!!! That being said: don’t change it. I like it. I just hope that the EU ‘gets their act together’ is all and SOON TOO!!! LOL!!!

I was just reading this thread again (which is something I never do i.e. re-read a thread) and I tell you this much:

leandar: in spite of the title of your thread (you know: the one with the ‘typo’ in it) this has actually turned into ‘quite the thread’ to be honest. Not only has there been some good humour posted (and you’ve been a good ‘sport’ about it) but if you really read this thread there are a few pretty valuable insights given and discussions that have taken place here. I was also struck at how quickly things (a person) can change or be forced to become ‘dynamic’ as opposed to being ‘rigid’ in their beliefs. I refer to my post about Gold and Bank of America and the ensuing discussion that followed. Well in just a week or two or three my entire ‘belief’ in Bank of America and its ‘being my Gold’ has changed for a variety of reasons (which I’ve detailed on other threads just this past week). That’s but one example!!!

And I must also say leandar: that latest report (equity curve) you posted looks good. My only ‘worry’ is the floating PL KNOWING that with YOU there are no stops in place!!! LOL!!! Let me put it this way: ‘keep that up’ for a few minutes every day and you’ll be doing way better than most of us of that you can be sure!!! LOL!!! To be more clear and some advice based on experience: it’s easy to MAKE money in this business. It’s KEEPING the money that’s NOT easy. What I’m saying is just look at your results (forget about doubling the account every five minutes). Just think if you took that profit (closed ALL open positions) and then ‘rinsed and repeated’ on a daily basis (assuming that the thing doesn’t ‘fall over’ in a day or two)??? Compound that??? You’re ‘golden’. See where I’m going here???

But keep going leandar. I don’t know WHY but I AM ‘rooting’ for you in SPITE of the ‘rocky sceptical start’ of this thread!!! LOL!!!



“Myopia” Long Live “Myopia” …!

Good Point, Thanks I Really Appreciated It. :slight_smile:


It’s my pleasure and only based on experience.

Put it this way: I’m the one that ‘bangs on’ about following a technical trading system ‘religiously no matter what’. I’ve also seen $2 000 and $3 000 profits on a single trade eventually getting stopped and reversed at a loss simply BECAUSE I was following a technical trading system ‘religiously no matter what’. And then you’ll find well known traders (Linda Bradford Raschke and Larry Connors to name but two) telling you to take profit on ‘parabolic moves’ (I call them ‘violent’ or ‘extraordinary’ moves) in your favour. I believe that SOMEWHERE in-between lies ‘the keys to BIG kingdom’. I’ve not found those ‘keys’ (yet)!!! LOL!!! There’s another saying (by John F. Carter): ‘entries are a dime a dozen but profits are in the exits’ (something like that). It’s (from my perspective anywyay) a sort of ‘damned if you do and damned if you do not’ type of thing.



I have 2 questions from your last post

1, When that parabolic moves happen and why ?

2, When the loss exits ?


‘Parabolic moves’:

It’s just a term that I found in the book ‘Street Smarts’ (Larry Connors and Linda Bradford Raschke). It has NOTHING to do with an indicator such as Parabolic SAR or anything like that. Basically is just means that let’s say you are trading a particular system and let’s say that you know that particular system is ‘good on average’ for say +100 pips or +$100 per trade. All of a sudden the market moves ‘violently’ in your favour and the position turns into a +1 000 pips or +$1 000 profit. That’s what they (Larry Connors and Linda Bradford Raschke) advocate in their book i.e. take profit ‘there and then’ at market and then look for another trade. These moves can and do happen due to anything from surprise (news) data releases to ‘flash crashes’ to simple bad ticks (in the case of simple bad ticks SOME brokers will let you keep the profits while others will not and ‘surprise surprise’ most will not)!!! LOL!!! In other words: I would say that a ‘parabolic move’ is when an extraordinary big move in your favour results in an extraordinary and ‘sudden’ unexpected profit. Does that make sense???

I’ve on occasion been known to be sitting on floating PL that if closed out on a Friday would have me realise a 50% - 60% gain on capital in a week (sorry leandar: not in a day but in a week). Sometimes I’ve just closed all the positions at market and gone and gotten ‘f*ck’ drunk’ to celebrate my success. Sometimes I’ve left those positions open only to end up closing the next week at maybe only 10% gain on capital or, worse, a loss at the end of the next week.

But this topic is one of those ‘slippery slope’ issues. In other words: there is a very fine line that cannot be overstepped when it comes to deciding when to take profit. Take a look at the words of Michael Covel in the Turtle Trading System Rules document (you can download it from here: Technical Trading Systems at TechTraderCentral - TTS Introduction). Don’t worry about the Turtle Trading System itself (unless you want to). Just read what he has to say about taking profits early and the impact that it CAN have on your trading system etc. and then you’ll get what I mean when I say it’s a ‘slippery slope’ issue. It’s one of the best explanations on the subject that I’ve seen anyway (and it’s ‘short, sweet, simple, and to the point’). (Don’t worry: it’s not a WHOLE HUGE book i.e. it’s just a couple of pages that detail the Turtle Trading System with some comments by Michael Covel) (at least I THINK it was Michael Covel i.e. I forget now BUT it was ONE of the Turtle Traders anyway that made this document public for reasons given at the beginning or at the end of the document).

Does that explain a ‘parabolic move’ to you??? If not: I’ll try another way.

‘loss exits’:

Basically all that John F. Carter was saying was that there are normally MANY MANY entry points but it’s where and when that you take profit that makes the difference between possibly being profitable overall or losing overall. I remember even TaldonD saying somewhere a while back something along the lines that ‘we all know that most trades initially go into profit’. That’s very true in my experience. But it’s when you take those profits (if you take them at all)??? Alright: most of this is trading system dependant. Most all of the trading systems that I use are called ‘true stop and reverse’ trading systems. In other words: I’m ‘always in the market’ either long or short at any given time and my take profit levels are dictated by the trading systems themselves. In other words: I don’t know BEFOREHAND what my risk/reward ratio is going to be on a trade unlike, probably most, other trading systems where your stop level is at ‘X’ and your take profit level is at ‘Y’.

And there are some other well known traders (authors) on the subject. Kathy Lien and Boris Shlossberg, for example, state in their work to ‘never let a winner turn to a loser’. Well: again that depends on the trading system. If I had to move my stops to breakeven using most of my trading systems I’d probably breakeven on 99% of my trades which really would defeat the object. Most of my trades turn to profit, then loss, then profit, then loss, and then, most times, if followed through, will eventually have me stop and reverse at a profit (which could be big OR small). If I interfere with that logic (by taking profits when I THINK they’re ‘enough’) then that would have negative results overall for sure.

I guess what I’m saying is this: just take your latest statement. According to your notes that’s a 50% gain on capital in, what, a few hours??? Let’s just SAY that was sustainable (which I’ll tell you right now I DO NOT believe that it’s sustainable but I’m ALSO not going to discourage you either). Let’s just say that you now never traded for the rest of the month and managed to ‘rinse and repeat’ JUST ONCE the next month??? Take one of those ridiculous ‘straight line compounding’ spreadsheets and see how quickly you’d turn your current capital into GAZILLIONS!!! And yet, at the moment, you’re sitting with open positions and no stops which COULD VERY WELL ‘turn on you with a vengeance’ comes Sunday night / Monday morning. See what I’m getting at???

That’s one of the reasons why I get so ‘pis*ed’ off with people when they say ‘ONLY 10% PER MONTH??? Is THAT ALL you can make on average???’!!! 10% PER MONTH is OVER 100% PER ANNUM for crying out aloud WITHOUT compounding!!! Show me ANY other business where this is consistently possible??? You sure ain’t gonna get those types of returns from a bank. As a matter of fact: you’re not even going to get those types of returns consistently (if EVER) from the best run hedge fund in the world (well that’s normally because the hedge fund managers are taking most of your profit in commissions)!!! LOL!!! EVEN 5% per month CONSISTENTLY is ‘the name of the game’ in my opinion.

But THIS topic and discussion could be a veritable STUDY in and of itself and I most surely cannot address ALL the related issues in one post (nor do I even KNOW enough to ‘write a paper’ on this)!!! LOL!!!

Wilder, to me, on this topic, seems to have the most realistic outlook on this when he says “There is only one unforgivable sin in trading … [B]letting a small loss turn into a large loss[/B]”. (But of course I’m ‘Wilder biased’)!!! LOL!!! But at least he realises that losses ARE realised and does not have the ‘dogmatic approach’ to NEVER let a winner turn into a loser. While the latter may in theory be great: in practise I believe it’s a bit hard to implement (although, as noted, it’s definitely trading system dependant).



Hehe, yah, true; I didn’t choose it to declare my love for Europe or its currency though, but rather just because I like the way it looks.

leandar: in spite of the title of your thread (you know: the one with the ‘typo’ in it) this has actually turned into ‘quite the thread’ to be honest.

Yes, many insights may be gained from this thread, it’s been quite interesting so far.

In hopes of finding something similar, I read the whole of Certainty’s crap on his 3,200–>200,000 thread yesterday night … actually, after the first 20 posts I wanted to stop, because that guy types like a 14-yr-old on steroids with his wild allegations and ‘font size 24’ rubbish, but I couldn’t; it was rather like watching a particularly ghastly car wreck: you don’t really want to know but are unable to turn away. What surprised me is how long you guys (or the forum) actually put up with his nonsense. I couldn’t have been bothered. Oh well, at least my ‘controversial’ avatar matches that thread. :smiley:

To be more clear and some advice based on experience: it’s easy to MAKE money in this business. It’s KEEPING the money that’s NOT easy.

Yeah, you gotta work for it … just like it’s easy to make friends but requires efforts to remain friends … or like it’s easy to marry a woman but not so easy to maintain a good marriage. It’s like that with anything worth having.
And if it was easy, where’d the fun be?

Put it this way: I’m the one that ‘bangs on’ about following a technical trading system ‘religiously no matter what’. I’ve also seen $2 000 and $3 000 profits on a single trade eventually getting stopped and reversed at a loss simply BECAUSE I was following a technical trading system ‘religiously no matter what’.

Hehe, coz ‘Technical only’ will sink you for sure; I like TechAnalysis, but only to support insights gleaned by Fundamental; cover that with a nice icing of Market Sentiment, and off you go.
Even though I must admit I find Market Sentiment very hard to understand; it’s a bit like standing very close to a train that is speeding by: you [B]know[/B] it’s moving, coz it surely [B]has to[/B] move and you can feel the suction it generates as it rushes by you but, being so close, you can’t determine [B]where[/B] it’s actually going: left to right, or right to left.
Taking those virtual ‘few steps back’ to get some distance and hence be able to determine direction is the hard part of using Market Sentiment to advantage … at least that’s how I feel about it.

I look forward to seeing this thread thrive.


Hey Oliver1968.

Nice to hear from you so soon.

Like I said: I like that logo (your avatar) too so don’t worry about it!!! LOL!!!

You make some FINE points (you’re not new at this are you i.e. just new HERE I’m guessing)!!! LOL!!!

I’m not so sure about the ‘fun’ part. My having ‘fun’ has ‘cost me the farm’ and I’m a L-O-N-G way from getting back just to where I WAS six years ago let ALONE being able to say that I’ve profited OVERALL from this business!!! LOL!!! But at least my six year equity curve proves one thing (at least I THINK it does): I can clearly see where I went from ‘gambler’ and knowing nothing, to JUST being able to ‘keep my head above water’, to a VERY slow climb (and not to tell any lies there’s quite a few ‘dips’ in that VERY slow climb too)!!! LOL!!! I guess what I’m saying (or believe anyway): it’s the ‘slow and steady’ that counts and not these WILD moves (be they up or down) in an equity curve that makes the difference. And like I said: I’ve got a LONG way to go before I ‘get the farm back’ (actually I need to ‘get MANY farms back’ before I can say that I HAVE MADE MONEY OVERALL in trading). I mean: you’re not a successful trader if you’ve been profitable for three years but there’s a HUGE ‘shortfall’ of a few hundred thousand dollars between where you are NOW and where you were when you STARTED. See what I mean??? LOL!!!

‘Technical only’. Unfortunately: it’s ‘the only way’ for me. And BELIEVE ME when I say I’ve tried to understand fundamentals. I REALLY have tried. I believe I’ve been fortunate in that I’ve been able to sit at this chair in front of this screen SOLID for six years now (almost to the day if I’m not mistaken). In other words: I’ve been fortunate enough to have been able to ‘jump in at the deep end’ without having to rely on an external source of income (although if I have to be honest that’s only thanks to one or two people around me who, in spite of the fact that they believe that money CANNOT be made in this business, have at least given ME the benefit of the doubt). The point I’m making is that I’ve been fortunate to have had a rather ‘accelerated and compressed learning curve’ but in spite of this: I STILL couldn’t tell you where the EURO is going to be in a year, two years, even five years, from now let ALONE where it’s going to be on Monday night!!! LOL!!! So my trading is ‘restricted’ to following ‘little dots and lines’ and watching Bloomberg TV ONLY to see Margaret Brennan and ‘feel the pulse’ of the NYSE (I don’t trade FOREX by the way) and NOT to listen to these so-called ‘experts’ or ‘analysts’!!! LOL!!! Tried it once or twice in the ‘early days’ with disastrous results. THEY WERE RIGHT EVENTUALLY (like Gold DID go to $900 just as they ‘predicted’ but the catch: it was two years later)!!! LOL!!!

And I like your ‘speeding train’ analogy. Far be it from me to give you advice (I don’t have a CLUE as to who you are or your experience) but read Wilder’s book ‘The Adam Theory of Markets’ (it can be downloaded from my forums or there is a thread ‘lurking’ around here with an alternate download link). He also uses the analogy of a ‘hobo catching a train’. It’s quite uncanny that you made such an analogy at this time to be honest!!! My entire trading career has been based on Wilder’s trading systems but I didn’t, until about three or four weeks ago, bother to read ‘The Adam Theory of Markets’. Believe me: THAT is a BOOK even if you don’t take ‘Adam Theory’ into account. As a matter of fact: ‘Adam Theory’ is of the LEAST importance in the book. It’s Wilder’s insights and advice and ‘rules’ that are priceless in my opinion. It’s just a pity that he didn’t include such insights and advice and ‘rules’ in his FIRST book ‘New Concepts In Technical Trading Systems’ (which are the trading systems that I trade). Had he done that: I’d only need to ‘get ONE farm back’!!! LOL!!!



Technical Trading has proved over the long haul to be right 40% of the time,


Nice to see YOU here!!!

I believe you’re quite right. No question. Technical trading systems (particularly trend following technical trading systems) only ‘make it’ because of sound risk or money management and a VERY few highly profitable trades in any given period of time.

By the way Oliver1968: there is EVERY chance that this thread WILL survive simply because of leandar’s TITLE given it (the one with the ‘typo’ in it and his ‘creative accounting’ in the very beginning insofar as lot sizes and $ values per pip)!!! LOL!!!



Well, I’ve done a bit of Forex trading quite some time ago (when a PentiumIII with 800MHz serving a 2.1GB HDD was an awesome machine, hehe), but then gave it up to fully concentrate on my ‘real’ job as a Business/Management Consultant specializing in SAP Projects.
Now I have decided to return to the [I]ForexFun[/I], just to see if I could still do it … well, and for the money, of course. If you ain’t interested in making money, trade baseball cards, not Forex. :smiley:

Hehe, substitute ‘challenge’ for ‘fun’ then.

I hope you didn’t take that to be condescending of me … if it sounded that way: sorry, it surely wasn’t meant to be. :slight_smile:

Nobody can do that, with accuracy. I think the best one can hope for in Forex, no matter how long she/he’s been in the business or how sophisticated her/his system is, is making an educated guess. That’s why even the most successful and experienced Forex Traders will readily admit that they too sustain losses on a regular basis.

lol, if they really were that ‘expert’, they wouldn’t waste their time on air for a few thou but would rather spend it worrying where to stash all the big dough they made trading anyway.
I’ve never much believed in ‘experts’ on TV; it’s rather like somebody who hasn’t been able to make it in business going into politics … watching C-SPAN broadcasts or the equivalent we have here in Germany makes me think these people shouldn’t even be entrusted with running a McDonald’s franchise; lol, and they probably wouldn’t … that’s why we let them mess around with our National Economies instead. It’s very sad.

Yeah, my point.
TV stations should be made liable for what their talking heads spout during ‘expert interviews’ … that way, many a consumer who doesn’t know better and who truly believes these people to have superior insights would be saved from crushing losses. [I]‘Sorry kids, no Christmas presents this year … courtesy of NBC.’[/I]

Give me advice please … that’s what I’m here for, to learn (again).
I will open a thread in the ‘Rate my Broker’ section of this forum, by the way, to get some advice there … during my prolonged absence from [I]The Wonderful World of Getting Pwned by the Forex Market[/I] it looks as if more than 9000 Brokers have crawled from under various stones, to get their slice of cake. So instead of openening over 9000 Demo accounts and wasting six months of my precious time, I’d rather ask you and other experienced traders about their choice of broker. That way, I’ll end up with a list of five to ten which are worthy of a closer look (I hope) … instead of being told ‘We have your money, we’ll proceed to eat it’ from InstaForex [I]et al[/I].

Yeah, I’m psychic … isn’t that the most important tool when trading Forex? :smiley:

By the way, given your ‘title’ as [I]Verified Broker[/I] I naturally assumed you being a Forex pro … so your game is Stocks?

You must truly be from Germany, lol. Some things may be different in the (tiny, LOL!) world outside of this center of the universe. LOOOL! No, I am kidding a little. Welcome aboard! Certified SAP consultant (SD) around here as well, lol. :slight_smile:

Sure, if he stops gambling, but then he is no gambler, lol. :wink:

Well, regarding tech and fundi trading, my opinion is you can trade fx or any other market on fundis if the timeframe is long enough. Intraday trading on fundis will imho not give anybody an edge. While mechanical trading systems will. Not all, but some.

Reason is that fundamental trading is like betting on the course of an oil tanker. It can’t change course that quick and what goes off intraday is then more “noise”, lol.

Regarding that logo, I started with this one on here, lol:

Then I changed it and Dale would probably be mad at me if I would change it again, lol. :smiley:

Hello again.

Now see: THAT’S a nice post and reply. As everyone around here knows: I hate those ‘one-liners’ (then again there’s plenty of people around here that hate ME for my sometimes LONG and SOMETIMES inane posts)!!! LOL!!!

From the bottom up (of your post):

Well: I’ve been with my broker for so long that I know their trading platform ‘like the back of my hand’ so about a year ago (maybe a bit more) I was ‘bestowed’ the ‘honor’ of being ‘Verified Broker Support’ for them on this and other forums. And, well, I love them SO much that I’ve been ‘banging on’ about them opening a Branch Office in Johannesburg, South Africa, and they (we???) FINALLY have gotten to the point where we’re just awaiting the outcome of their (our???) application to the South African Financial Services Board in order to act as a Registered Financial Services Provider and, well, then, I’ll have a ‘real’ job!!! LOL!!! ROFLMAO!!! So that’s where the ‘title’ comes from.

FOREX: that’s the reason why I need to ‘get back MANY MANY farms’ and not just ONE!!! LOL!!! I trade CFDs on Equities, Futures, Indices (my ‘main thing’ really), and Commodities. That’s it. But it’s not an argument or discussion that we can have here because it’s an argument or discussion that makes me EVER so unpopular around these parts given that this is a FOREX trading site!!! LOL!!! That’s the reason for my own forums really. But I tend to ‘hang around’ here because, well, it’s sort of my ‘trading home’ i.e. it’s sort of where I ‘started out’ really and I’ve made some wonderful ‘connections’ here. And, I suppose, basically, the ‘rules’ are the same. I’ve just never been profitable trading FOREX. I have MANY technical reasons for believing WHY FOREX and I are not ‘friends’ not just the fact that I was new to trading and started with FOREX and only started trading CFDs after I’d allowed FOREX trading to ‘lose a FEW farms’ and had learned a few hard, and very expensive, lessons by then. And just to be SURE I proved this ONCE AGAIN just a few months ago (for ‘fun’ that is i.e. NOT with real money but simply to ‘prove a point’). Bottom line (so far as I’m concerned): either FOREX and the markets I trade ‘move’ differently or my technical trading systems were designed or developed by either commodities or equities traders and therefore are not ‘the greatest’ when it comes to trading FOREX. Actually: I believe BOTH to be true. But if you ‘dig around’ here enough you’re bound to find my lists of ‘MANY technical reasons’ posted somewhere (and the ‘battle of wits’ that normally ensues after such a post which BASICALLY I cannot win i.e. I’m ‘outgunned’ here)!!! LOL!!!

Brokers: you’re not joking. I made a comment on a thread the other day: there’s two things we’re NOT short of in this world i.e. FOREX brokers and FOREX broker review sites!!! LOL!!! SOON there are going to be more FOREX brokers than FOREX traders if this trend (no pun intended) continues!!! LOL!!!

TV: I love your sentiments!!! Those people SHOULD be held accountable. But they all hide behind these ‘Risk Disclaimers’. And I’m sorry but those ‘Risk Disclaimers’ just don’t quite ‘do it’ for me (or for ‘Joe Public’). Yes it’s high risk (the business of trading AND INVESTING in general) and it’s easy to say to blame ‘Joe Public’ when his house is gone because he ‘should have known better’. Sorry: but the brokers, TV, and Hollywood sure do play a part in ‘enticing’ the ‘unaware’ with their ads and analysts and movies. Ever noticed how ‘tiny’ the ‘Risk Disclaimer’ usually is when compared the body of a broker’s ad??? LOL!!! But: that’s why sites such as this exist. ESPECIALLY a site such as this i.e. there are MANY ‘dubious’ sites around that ALSO contribute to the ‘get rich quick trading FOREX or anything else’ idea and appeal to, or prey on, the greed of ‘Joe Public’. At least HERE (for the most part anyway) it gets ‘told like it really is’.

No offence taken (about the ‘technical only’ matter). I know my shortcomings and I know what I’m capable of and what I’m not capable of and trading fundamentally is something I’m not capable of!!! It’s just that simple. And besides: after you’ve been hanging around and posting on forums for this long it’s really hard to be offended by ANYTHING ANYWAY!!! LOL!!!

Well: I’m pleased you’ve found this site and I hope it serves you well (and I’m sure it will). Just do me ONE favour: please don’t ask me ‘which broker is best’!!! LOL!!!



Mr. Gecko.

Damn right I’d be upset if you changed your avatar!!! LOL!!!

I was wondering how long it would take for you to ‘mosey on over here’. As a matter of fact: I WAS (in my previous post to Oliver1968) going to ‘mention’ you (you know: with the German thing and all that) but I didn’t think it my place to do so. And yet ANOTHER co-incidence: SAP, Germany, even the ‘attentive’ writing style!!! LOL!!!

I see I’ve got some nice PMs to answer. Thanks.



Hehe, so memory served: I thought I’d read (either earlier in this thread or somewhere in ‘3,200–>200,000’) that you mentioned being German, Buckscoder. And a fellow SAP Consultant, too. It’s a small world. :smiley:

lol, I think suffering through SAP’s training system is probably the best pre-education a trader can have: if you survive their convoluted language and out-of-this-world terminology, you’ll never have trouble understanding any manual or technique.

I love that avatar you originally used … very amusing. But the actual one is pretty cool, too. The high tech screen shown in the background rocks … is that an 11" CRT from the 80s? Win 3.x, lol.

Awww, damn, Dale … I was just about to ask you about THE BEST BROKER … oh, well.
Could you at least tell me what the best computer brand is for a trader? Or the best football team to support? Hehehe.

On a serious note: What I’ll ask people is simply which broker they use (if they are willing to tell).
Having received some replies (hopefully), I’ll then compare their trading styles to my own and (again hopefully) come up with one that’ll suit me.
And I’ll obviously address the thread explicitly to ‘Dear FX-Honor Members and Senior Members’ … I guess I can manage without contributions like ‘OMG, the support lady of [I]WeCheatTheCrapOuttaYou(dot)com[/I] is SO PRETTY, it’s the most bestest broker’ or ‘Go to [I]BiggestBucket(dot)com[/I] NOW, because you’ll receive a 25% Deposit Bonus from them, so you gain from Day One!!!’. :smiley:

Not trusting review sites any further than I can fly (with the possible exception of the ‘FPA’), I’d rather ask for some feedback from people who I can at least judge rudimentarily by reading their posts on this forum.

Good God, just watching the ‘Tagesschau’, Germany’s prime news broadcast: [I]‘German Head of State attacked over alledged irregularities in obtaining a personal loan … Opposition pressing for his resignation’ [/I]
More fodder for the Fiber Bears. Watch the gap when Sydney opens tomorrow, sigh.

Oh, one question I guess I may ask, because it allows an objective answer: What is a reliable Forex Signals service, for Day and/or Swing Trading?


Well, regarding that with the training system (if you wanna call it like that, LOL) is indeed true! I was crazy enough to get the best or second best score of all participants, but don’t ask me why, lol. :smiley:

In the background you can see my first computer. A ZX81 super computer with plenty of ram. :slight_smile:

ZX81 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Regarding your avatar, maybe you can have some fun with this caricature:

Well, it’s not really fun because we all have to pay for it, but I found it funny, lol. Sry all others, it’s just in German. However, on the right you can see our always laughing chancelor, madame “NO! MAYBE! YES! I never said no!” plus then in the background on the left our beloved finance minister who is always on the go to learn more how to press more money out of the tax lemons. Hard working minister, mind you!

Regarding brokers I use this as my search site:

ECN brokers list | ECN/STP Forex brokers

Top left there is a cyber search button and one can enter whatever filter criteria one can think of. I’d recommend to go with an ecn broker right from the start. :slight_smile:

So THAT’S why we’re having such problems here??? Somebody (probably ‘on the take’) convinced one of our biggest municipalities (Johannesburg ACTUALLY) to change their systems over to SAP. Since this was done: people whose utility bills WERE, say, R2 000 ZAR per month, are now R300 000 ZAR (for a residential property)!!! LOL!!! The APPARENT problem is something to do with the way SAP handles decimals or zeros or floating integers or whatever!!! LOL!!! That in and of itself wouldn’t REALLY be a problem. BUT: they (the Johannesburg Municipality) actually BELIEVES the figures that these new systems are ‘spewing out’ and cutting off lights and water to residents!!! THEREIN lies the travesty!!! LOL!!!

Mr. Gecko’s avatar: I’m guessing that’s a 4.77Mhz IBM XT, 10MB HDD, 640K RAM, MS-DOS 6, and Lotus 1-2-3 on the screen (am I giving my age away here or what)!!! LOL!!!

Trading Signals: I’ve never used a service for signals (for obvious reasons). I do know of one called ‘RentASignal’ though. That’s the one that I used just recently to prove my FOREX vs. equity futures and commodities ‘theory’. Basically (and from what I gather from being a ‘demo signal provider’ for another purpose) it’s pretty much ‘tamper proof’ and the rating system for each trader seems to work well. You select the trader that you ‘like’ (obviously the one with best statistics) and you pay them their (the trader’s) asking price for their signals. OR: you could ask leandar for his EA (somehow we’ve forgotten that this is his thread and have sort of ‘taken over’ although HE seems to be ‘AWOL’ i.e. ‘Absent Without Leave’ today. He must be ‘tweaking’ his EA)!!! LOL!!! I believe there is also an outfit called ‘ZuluTrade’ (there’s a thread around here somewhere about them). One thing though: don’t go for these PAMM or MAM accounts (where somebody actually trades on your behalf). From what I’ve seen: the trader REALLY just has to ‘churn’ the accounts and earns commissions on each trade so it really doesn’t matter whether the trades themselves are profitable or not i.e. they (the trader) still ‘win’. As a matter of fact: there’s another thread around here regarding and outfit called ‘Edgar International’ which, from what I gather, was pretty much this type of thing and the end result was ‘tears’ for everyone except the ‘mutha’ that was running the thing.

And don’t be fooled by these ‘Honorary Member’ titles. They’re based on the sheer volume (no pun intended) of posts. I’m sure if they had to remove all the ‘cr*p’ that I’ve posted over the years I’d lose the said status because the sheer volume (again: no pun intended) of my posts would be cut by at least 95%!!! LOL!!!

While MANY will disagree with you AND ME: FPA does their best to ‘keep it clean’. I know a few years back there were ALLEGATIONS (that’s all they were and nothing was substantiated) that basically there was, well, let’s just say a ‘conflict of interest’ between advertisers and broker reviews. But FPA is being run, and has BEEN being run, by different people for a good few years now, and I know that they go to a LOT of trouble (that’s ONE job I don’t envy) to ensure that the reviews come from GENUINE traders and not from ‘virtual broker people’ using proxy servers or IP Address spoofing (and every other ‘technological trick’ known to man) to ‘take down’ a five star rated broker because they’re the competition!!! Not to mention that they ACTIVELY get involved, for FREE I might add, in solving disputes between traders and brokers and anybody that ACTIVELY does even the SMALLEST thing to try to keep this business ‘clean’ has my vote for sure. As I’ve noted somewhere else (of late oddly enough): FPA ‘walks the walk’. They don’t just ‘talk the talk’.

And I just noticed something: HOW, Mr. Gecko, is it possible to ‘Like’ a post TWICE???




Sorry: I was typing the above while Buckscoder was typing his reply to you hence my ‘underestimating’ the ‘power’ of that computer in the background!!! LOL!!!

Haha, cool machine; so you probably poured over BASIC for hours on end, too, ‘coding’ simple games, biorhythm applications etc. Good old times. :smiley:

Yeah, I’ve checked out some ECN-brokers using STP already, deeming them to be superior.
I must admit that initially, I kinda liked the idea of fixed spreads using STP, but from what I’ve gleaned so far, 99% of them are Market Makers, no matter how loudly they claim to be NDDs; and the idea of dealing ‘in-house’, ‘against’ my own broker (meaning I win / he loses or vice versa) isn’t very appealing. It’s pretty obvious who’ll win [I]that[/I] duel, in the long run.


Here is another one:

Mercozy just saying everything is well and they make good progress …

lol, Merkel looks like Mao, with that firefighter’s helmet, especially in the first one, doing laundry.

Speaking of Mao:
How long will it take until the Yuan is acknowledged as a Major?