$2.74 To $2740 within 10 days

Well, I made money with a market maker, but then it went worse. Not to say they did intentional, but the order execution definitely became lousy. Probably too many customers and the backend not properly adjusted. Since I have my ecn there are no issues.

NDD means nothing. An algo can do it much better. :wink:

Anyways, good luck with finding a suitable broker! :slight_smile:

Oh well: at least Deltastock is mentioned on that site of yours Mr. Gecko. I’m alright with that then!!! LOL!!!

(Yes, I know, the above is ‘lame’)!!! LOL!!!



Dale seriously, I will never forget that! I mean, underestimating the power of my mainframe. That thing had a extraordinary 1 kilobyte of ram. Leaving any computer behind! :58:


Hmm, maybe it will be coupled with the euro? I mean, the francs are already coupled, lol. :smiley:

Hehe, it’s surprising that Jo’burg switched to SAP … and I wonder for what? It’s hardly worth it, a much simpler software (probably at 10-20% of the SAP system’s cost) would have served them better. That’s like buying a 40t truck to transport your bicycle, instead of just throwing it into the boot of your car.

Yah … a tedious undertaking.
I’d rather find a wife, I think that’s easier.

I have no idea.

Yes I think the same about fpa.

SAP is really a great business solution, but as my fellow countryman said, it might not be the best choice for small projects imho. Even when they try now to sell something for small business owners.

Not surprising at all. I think the ‘sales consultant’ was a friend, of a friend, of a cousin, of the Mayor, or something like that. This is Africa remember!!! LOL!!! The fact that it’s SOUTH Africa we’re talking about here no longer makes any difference.

And it’s no joke. As a matter of fact just this very last week: sixteen residents and property owners obtained a High Court Order ordering the council to ‘cease and desist’ from disconnecting their utilities. I mean: some guy got one of the municipalities’ OWN ENGINEERS (or whatever they call themselves) to come to his residence and inspect it and to reconcile his water bill. Turns out: according to his water bill he would, in effect, have to be using TEN swimming pools worth of water PER DAY in order for that bill to be correct!!! LOL!!!



Well, at least it makes more fun, lol. :smiley:

Hmmmnnn… Such ‘fun’ could ALSO ‘cost you a FARM or two’!!! LOL!!!



So it has been hot weather there, right? :smiley:

Frankly, I could imagine everything. Just leaving open all water handles all night long, lol.

So it has something more in common with trading, lol. Albeit if you lose your farm with trading there was nothing more than trading and if you lose your farm while getting married, there was at least something more. Or should I say there should? LOL! :smiley:

Ok, given the fact that you are a young kid in relation to my age I forgive you, lol.

Really my first was a ZX81 with 1 kb of ram. And, just for the record, with flight simulator! When I had to buy another 64 kb of ram for that. Price for that extension itself was what you can get a nice laptop today.

My first IBM like pc was also a “laptop”. I guess around 7 kg or around 15 pounds. Hard disk? LOL! The luxury thing there was I had not just one floppy drive, I had two! A hard disk at that time came around 1000 bucks per megabyte. Too expensive for average Joe User. :wink:

Haha, yah … but with a guaranteed return.
Also sheds a completely new light on the term ‘Swap’. ^^


Hey leandar.

Please come back!!! LOL!!!

I assure you it was nobody’s intention to ‘hijack’ your thread. It (somehow) ‘just happened’ that way.




Maybe he’s just enjoying his weekend … no trading anyway, so he probably makes use of the time bundling the dough and packing it into bags. :smiley:


Yep: that could very well be the case!!! LOL!!!

Anyway here’s a link that MAY be of interest and relevant to this thread (the ACTUAL title of the article is ‘Learn the pros and cons of employing automated [B]trading[/B] systems’):




Is that a typo or a clever pun?



Thanks for pointing it out to me i.e. it WASN’T meant to be a pun at all (although you have to admit it did turn out to be rather hilarious and quite ‘apt’ let’s face it)!!! LOL!!!

I’ll correct the (my original) post.

I subscribe to Investopedia (that’s SOUNDS ‘fancy’ but it’s free). In my opinion: probably THE best site around. Now and then I get email alerts from them which I call ‘Golden Nuggets’. You know: those articles that are actually USEFUL as opposed to some of the absolute garbage that I receive from other sites on a daily basis. I don’t know if you’re familiar with the site but there’s an entire section (which is relatively new) DEDICATED to FOREX (whoever came up with THAT idea should be shot but anyway it’s done)!!! LOL!!!

But as I said: the INTENTION of my post was to aid and assist leandar in his ‘exploration’ on the topic. Some quite good stuff there really. So yep: definitely a ‘typo’ (and of course because it’s spelt correctly the spell checker didn’t pick it up)!!! LOL!!!



Yeah, Investopedia is a useful site.

I’m still ‘broker hunting’, lowering the numbers of possible candidates rapidly … Dale, if the chat on this website is any good, would you care to have a short conversation on there, to increase both answer/reply frequency and privacy? I’d appreciate it.
