$2.74 To $2740 within 10 days

Huh??? Not sure what you’re saying.



i mean " hack = logic " trading is trading price action works everywhere, we sell EU in “over bought” we can use this in every business …!

off topic, just thought

22 hours trading reports 100% ROI, closed all open trades because “Draghi Speaks” is not matter but its BEER time :smiley: next trade will start when “Sydney Open”.

leandar System | Myfxbook

Draghi Speaks started lol

Well done and good thinking.

Now ‘rinse and repeat’.



ditto. The first person I’d bring to invest money with ‘Leandar’s MagicMultiplier’ would probably be Mrs Merkel … after having used the method for two weeks, this would enable her to pay for the Southern EU States folly, as Germany and France are wont to, from petty cash.

Won’t happen though. :slight_smile:
(No offence meant, leandar)


Hehe, I’ve subscribed to this thread for pure entertainment in the first place anyway.
Without wanting to offend anybody: any thread announcing a ten thousand per cent equity increase within ten days must be considered to be pure entertainment … and if you calculate with the ‘typo’ this thread originally sported, you’d be talking about a hundred thousand per cent increase. Sooooo…

Haha, I originally thought that we’d ‘scared you off’ (read: ‘bored you off’), educating that guy from Romania in the chat … but MT told me you’d probably had a tech issue.


Unpopular? Huh?
I think that anybody who believes otherwise, thus ignoring the fact that the relative value of a currency directly reflects the country’s (or countries’, for the EUR) economical strength and/or condition, would probably be much better off trading baseball cards or Superman comics.

The only reason this correlation of [I]Stocks influencing Currency[/I] is not always blatantly apparent is the vast difference in size of the markets in question, i.e. the fact that the Forex market is 40-50 times bigger than all the stock markets in the world combined … so it has a ‘leverage advantage’, so to speak.


some days i tested 150+ times to get exact strategy but i was not ready for scalping or not involved in big draw down systems. Did you notice there is 85 trades 3.19% draw down in this 100% roi within 22 hours?

Hey Oliver1968.

Nice to ‘hear’ from you again.

Well: you NEVER know (with leandar). I mean: didn’t people think that the world was flat for a good while??? LOL!!!

By the way leandar: if NOTHING else I’d STRONGLY suggest that you test your ‘strategy’ with quite few other brokers (at least those where there is a REASONABLE chance of your being able to withdraw your profits. Sorry: I cannot say more on that on the subject lest I get accused of ‘Shameless Broker Bashing’)!!! LOL!!!

Last night: seriously strange. And whoever that chap was wasn’t exactly the most ‘patient’ or ‘courteous’ type either. I was busy typing something and ‘poof’. Reboot!!! And, well, like I said: I figured it was about time for me to get my ‘ar*e’ out of this chair and feed my dogs (I have four Rottweilers that are my sort of ‘anchor’) and when they’re hungry they’re not ‘quiet’ about it either!!! LOL!!!

Unpopular??? HELL yeh!!! Just you try and start a new thread and say that Equities move FOREX and see what happens to you!!! LOL!!! Actually: the problem REALLY is that a lot of FOREX traders seem to think that FOREX is an ‘isolated’ or ‘standalone’ market. I thought so too in the beginning so it’s not like it’s anybody’s fault or anything. It’s just lack of experience and knowledge which is what this site is for really i.e. to educate and assist (EVEN the likes of leandar with his ‘quest’)!!! LOL!!!



Aah, you have all no idea about trading. See, it’s all easy:

Why doubling your account only after each day? Fx is a 24 hour market. Plus there are brokers who give you 1000:1 leverage. The atr right now shows 18 pips for an hour. Take advantage of that! Double your account every 2 hours. By the end of the day you have deposit^12 equity in your account.

Well, I hope now there doesn’t stumble somebody in here and tells BC said it can all be done in one day, lol. It was just the theory, but not the advice to do it! LOL! :smiley:

Ok, seriously, I also think that the equity markets move the currencies. :slight_smile:

Hehe, that’s nice to hear. :smiley:

Well, of course not stock markets alone, but they definitily are a major influence.

The interesting (or should I say ‘ironic’) thing is that, once a national economy weakens, taking the country’s currency along on its downpath, it is just this decrease in value that makes export goods more attractive to potential buyers, resulting in them purchasing the currency to obtain those goods and thus driving it up again … cycle complete and all set to start afresh.


Yep. And there we have also the reason why Greece or the pigs will have a hard time to compete. They have now a currency which is unrelated to their economic situation. A black hole will be nothing against what we will imho get in the next years with this euro monster. Billions of billions to pay for bureaucrats and also money what will flow into countries like the pigs.

Uhm, well. We are well trained to welcome higher expenses. Did you read that with the new “Haushaltsabgabe”? I have no tv or radio, because the internet serves well. So I pay no fee for broadcasting, which is mandatory for who has a receiver. Now they come up with something ALL have to pay, no matter if they watch/hear their brainwashing sessions or not or even they have to pay now without a tv. Worst of all, they try their robbery to sell as an advantage. :mad:

Ya know, I live partly in the US and if something like this would arise in the US all real Americans would probably start a march against Washington DC. Such things can just happen in Germany where sheeples are the majority. Some years and we will have the same situation as Greece now. On top that agenda with a fiscal union in the ez. Sry for rambling, but it drives me mad.

Concur 100%.

The EUR should have been limited to the five countries deserving of it, i.e. those that are really economically sound: Germany, France, Austria, The Netherlands and Belgium.
The rest, those that are dragging us down, i.e. Greece, Italy, Spain, Ireland, Portugal and so on should have stayed with their own currencies.
Parameters for joining the EUR were way too easy to meat … of course, the decision on who to allow in and who not was politically motivated, not economically.
Don’t politicians ever learn? Do the same mistakes have to be repeated over and over again [I]ad nauseam[/I]?

Let’s see whether 2012 will really be the year when it hits the fan.


What will happen if double money with $25 continually to 37th times? we can earn worlds total equity, so none of any broker allow this type of trading in their account, i wont do it in real currency market maybe it is not possible, but surely i will earn some cash in real account but not 100% income daily, 50% is enough for me or 75% … or… 90% …

Today some important economical reports are coming to drive currencies

German Ifo Business Climate for euro
Core CPI m/m for cad
Building Permits for usd

This is the year end, how many big boys are going to take profit before the new year?

OlsenScale - Scale of Market Quakes (SMQ) - 2011/12/20 02:00


Who is driving the market ?

“The king, the minister, the country, the fortified city, the treasury, the army and the ally are the constituent elements of the state”

7 Pillars of a Business - From Chanakya’s “Arthashastra”

A person should not be too honest. Straight trees are cut first and honest people are screwed first.

Chanakya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The way to improve knowledge don’t give the answers, but ask the questions.