$2.74 To $2740 within 10 days

Trade Balance CHF
German PPI m/m EUR
GfK German Consumer Climate EUR

Sydney going to close and Frankfurt going to open.

within 30 min …

Good morning.

leandar: Buckscoder and Oliver1968 are trying to solve the EU Debt Crisis and you’re trying to double a trading account every five minutes??? You’ve got to get your priorities straight my good man!!! LOL!!!

One thing Oliver1968: it’s not just politicians that will never learn. I watched a documentary not too long ago. I forget what it was called (but it was THAT good that I’m trying to find out if it’s available on DVD if I could just remember the name) but it was about the fact that ACTUALLY the financial crises of 2008 and 2009 actually had their ‘roots’ in World War II. Alan Greenspan was interviewed may times in the documentary and ‘the money shot’ was the very last few seconds of the documentary when he looked straight at the camera and said something along the lines of “you know what??? It will happen again simply because we’re human” and then ‘fade out and titles’. It’s was ‘bone chilling’ (that same feeling you get when you watch a horror movie and your skin ‘tingles’). Alright: I’m using quote marks and I don’t think those were his EXACT words but what he was saying was definitely to that effect. As a matter of fact: it’s started already. Over here you can ALREADY AGAIN buy cars with no deposit, a 50 000% residual, with balloon payments after 60 years (OBVIOUSLY exaggerating but you 'get the picture), interest rates like 5% BELOW prime (but OBVIOUSLY not fixed), and a three to six month ‘payment holiday’. Out interest rates right now are the lowest they’ve ever been (at least for a VERY VERY long time). There MAY be ONE more cut and from there: it’s ‘up, up, and away’ again. So what’s going to happen??? Same thing: in two or three years time those people who take up these offers are not going to be able to afford the repayment on those cars and, well, ‘rinse and repeat’. I mean: even foreigners that I’ve met are surprised (horrified???) at the sheer number of Mercs, BMs, and Audis on our roads. Every second person has one and the cash value of those cars in a lot of cases exceeds the value of their residential property (that’s if they even OWN their residential property)!!! Same as with housing. I see we’re AGAIN offering 110% mortgages with no deposit at some banks. Alright: property MAY be different because property prices are subdued and continue to fall so it’s not like anybody will be ‘buying at the top’. But year on year: salaries are not going to keep pace with interest rate increases and inflation. The end result will eventually be the same.

Basically (and as I understand it): Greenspan was really saying that it’s not a case of ‘if’ but a case of ‘when’!!!



Was it called “House of Cards”?

You know what??? That DOES sound familiar. Thanks. I’m going to check Amazon and YouTube. Thanks again. It’s been driving me nuts.



Accidentally lot size increased, suddenly i placed rescue package on my open trades

Thank you.

I’ve just had the pleasure of watching (again) it here:

House of Cards - CNBC

Odd how ‘the mind plays tricks’ though is it not. I got the gist of Greenspan’s thoughts at the end correct and it was the one that I was looking for. But there was another one that went right back to the end of World War II and portrayed a sort of ‘road map’ from then up until 2008 / 2009.

Anyway: thanks again for that. ‘Riveting stuff’ (like 'October ‘87 - Crash and Comeback’ and ‘Floored’).

Ok guys that account gone to trouble due to over lot size ( lot changed from1 to 1.5 and opened more unwanted orders 3 times was the reason.

taking a break for some experiments

leandar System | Myfxbook

Well as I’ve said before:

If nothing else: your honesty and tenacity is without question.

I take it then that Ms. Merkel is ‘on her own’ then i.e. no EA forthcoming from you to save the EU??? Pity really. And she cannot even count on the French because ‘the French will be fu*ked’ come January 2012 WHEN they get their credit downgrade.

Then again check this out:

Merkel Takes Vacation as Debt Crisis, Domestic Turmoil Fester - Businessweek

What was that thing again??? Something about Nero and Rome burning??? LOL!!!



Good afternoon folks!

Merkel is a 1:1 replication of Honecker’s wet dream.

Erich Honecker - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

“Hitting the fan”. I believe it hit’s already the fan, just that the fan is on low speed, lol. :smiley:

That’s no way to talk about the most powerful woman in the world:

World’s Most Powerful Women - Forbes

Funny: I always thought it was The Queen. It just goes to show how ‘out of touch’ I am. LOl!!!

Maybe it’s because they’re not paying her enough:

Angela Merkel - Forbes

That not a whole lot of money you know!!! I mean: for ME it would be a FORTUNE but to have HER ‘worries’??? Nah.




for a woman looking like this:

It’s a whole lot of money. Don’t you think so? :smiley:

haha, lmao … that was not nice


This is JUST TOO funny!!! I SWEAR that my next post WAS GOING TO BE as follows:


But you ‘got in’ before me!!! Well done you ‘basta*d’!!! LOL!!!

Well: maybe she’s a nice person???



Just wait the revenge test is going here …


Nice person? She mobbed every politician around her in this party who had a proper working brain and transformed the whole party into a socialist empire. Probably not without some forces behind. Did you know that she is known as “IM Erika”? That’s a codename for a stasi sniffing agent. “Stasi” was the organization in the former GDR with the goal to infiltrate the western hemisphere while the cold war was developing and also repress their own opposition. There is the saying if you eat with the devil a soup you need a very long spoon. I wouldn’t even consider sitting with her in one room at one table anytime soon, even if she would look like Linda Evangelista!

Well I don’t know. I was just saying is all. How am I supposed to know??? I mean: MOST people have at least ONE ‘redeeming factor’ no??? LOL!!!

From what you’re telling me though: wouldn’t it be better to be her friend than her foe??? LOL!!!

Linda Evangelista??? No. If she were Finnish with long black hair and looked like somebody else I know (Nightwish - 09 Bless the Child (End of An Era) Live - YouTube) I wouldn’t care if she was The Devil incarnate after a sex change!!! LOL!!!

And I like your saying about The Devil although I think that MY Otep (Shamaya’s) saying is better:

‘Remember, do not slide into bed with the Devil unless you intend to f*ck.’

YOU like the same music I do. Look up ‘Otep Live’ on YouTube!!!



I know Dale. A lot of people don’t know what’s going on (or off) inside of Germany or the ez. Particular if they don’t live there or have no connections. Anyways, it’s the sad truth that I do not believe anything will become better for this and the next decade. Not only because of Mercozy, lol. While the cold war was still in place I was sitting in Berlin with some CIA agents at the same table at night, drinking beer, so I have a little insights what is going on behind all the fancy headlines what one can read the next day in newspapers. That’s why I made my deal 6 years ago. Going into xau. Everybody called me crazy, but now it seems all others were crazy not to buy in big chunks, lol.

Thanks for the music suggestion btw.! However, I’ll put that on my stack now. Work first and then leisure later. Pretty sure it’s a great suggestion! :slight_smile:

CIA Agents???

Well I’m going to make sure that I STAY YOUR friend!!! LOL!!!

Oh well: it looks like leandar may have another ‘shot’ at a Christmas present for Ms. Merkel??? LOL!!!

