$2.74 To $2740 within 10 days

Oh well, Dale at this time when Berlin was one of the strangest places on earth (the death zone was away just a few couple of meters from my living room) it was not difficult to meet some of the most crazy guys out there. Particular at night! :wink:

Great music!

I can’t see that bubble video MT, because it’s restricted.

Yep, not accessible from Germany … proxy time. :smiley:

Now why on EARTH would THAT not be accessible in Germany??? Ms. Merkel??? LOL!!!

MAN: I’m looking forward to the day when all of us can meet up somewhere and have a good old ‘chitter chatter’ over a few (well over MANY MANY) drinks and exchange ‘stories’. Wouldn’t that be something???



Hehe, yah … bit.ching about politicians’ ineptness ‘live’ with a beer in hand is way more fun than doing it online. :smiley:


Well, that’s easy Dale: You pay the bus ticket to come over here and I pay for the beer. :slight_smile:


Here’s your bus, Dale!


Where’s Leandar
Lol. I forgot what this thread is about. whats the title again?

My pleasure.
I first watched it a few years ago, then again last night.
The effect was the same…scary.

Pizza boy became a loan officer making 20K USD a month.


That’s the one thing that I remember from watching it a few years ago. I guess we can take that with a pinch of salt.
Maybe it was a manager of a pizza shop who became a loan officer making 10K USD a month.
But I guess that wouldn’t be entertaining.

That’s actually similar to the title of this thread :slight_smile:
In terms of the odds I mean.

This market have science

Good afternoon. It’s a bit late in the day for me to be posting is it not??? LOL!!!

Sorry: as I noted to Buckscoder I had to do some REAL work today!!! LOL!!! But I’m ‘free’ now.

I just HAVE to thank you ALL for the wonderful ‘overnight posts’!!! I ‘laughed my head off’ this morning when I read them all. I gotta tell ya: THIS thread is a GREAT start to ANY day (I did check first thing this morning but then had some other ‘stuff’ to take care of).

And that bus??? TOOO much!!! LOL!!!



Hehe, we always aim to keep you entertained, Dale. :smiley:


LOL! That “airbus” is a little suspicious, tho. Looks like a school bus with a flag from where? :smiley:

That’s the Indian flag … so I suppose it’s Airbus Industries Indian Division’s latest model :smiley:

You know what:

I don’t know if your (Oliver1968) thought process was THAT ‘deep’ but guess what: leandar is from India!!! LOL!!! Now THAT is co-incidence and rather ‘befitting’ this thread (unless, as I say, that was already ‘built in’)!!! LOL!!!



Hehe, nah, the Indian flag is purelly coincidental … that was just the coolest pic my google search ‘bus with wings+pic’ produced.
As a matter of fact, I hope leandar is not offended by it … after all, it’s just a silly pic and a silly joke. :slight_smile:



Well thanks for it anyway. It was great.

leandar being offended??? Nah. Not after what’s been ‘thrown at him’ on THIS thread (in the beginning anyway)!!! LOL!!!

I’ll tell ya what though: he must be FEVERISHLY working away at that EA. I’m starting to get worried that he may ACTUALLY ‘get it right’!!! LOL!!!



Hehe, yes.

Funny thing is, I’m sure that many people have told Gottlieb Daimler he was wasting his time, trying to build something as ridiculous as a carriage that would run without horses.
And a few years later, many must have laughed at the brothers Wright … ‘A machine that can make people fly? You’re mad!’

And if they had listened to the criticism, our streets would still be full of horsecrap, and a voyage from Europe to America would still take a week.

So maybe, in a hundred years, people will laugh at those who didn’t believe in ‘[I]The Leandar Generator[/I]’.

Who knows?
