$2.74 To $2740 within 10 days

Don’t feel too bad Dale.
Tuesday’s a holiday here too for the same reasons .

That’s a nice long weekend … but boring for Forex Addicts. :smiley:
Those rates are moving in slow motion; looks like not many people trading.
Scalpers’ Paradise.


netizens + forex addicts get requote now

I was beginning to wonder if you ever sleep. Lol.

hehe, yes, I do … but I also try not to miss too much.
And 4-6 hours of sleep are enough. :smiley:


Well as of right now EUR/USD has moved UP 34 pips since Friday’s close!!! LOL!!!

This ‘thing’ of it being a Public Holiday today AND tomorrow: is this a ‘worldwide thing’ or what??? Does anybody know???

Put another way: look at the information on the link below and tell me how YOU (ANYBODY) interpret WHEN trading at my beloved broker will open i.e. as in TONIGHT at midnight (which REALLY means that at midnight TONIGHT it’s Tuesday) or as in TOMORROW night at midnight???


Oh well: I’m ‘paying DEARLY’ for the ‘fun’ I had that started on Saturday night I can tell you that!!! LOL!!! I guess it’s time (as usual after a ‘binge’ such as that) to go and check my posts and do ‘damage control’ if necessary although I don’t REMEMBER getting TOO ‘out of hand’ but then I never know!!! LOL!!!



Shucks, that is confusing.
I think it means it opens midnight tonight, which means its open tomorrow (Tuesday)??
So you are trying to figure out if you are working tomorrow?

Hooray. :smiley:

Tomorrow (Tue 27th) is definitely an ordinary working day in Germany and, as far as I know, in every other European country and the US of A.

To me, ‘Tuesday at midnight’ means the night from Monday to Tuesday, 0000hrs … the following night wouldn’t be ‘Tuesday 0000hrs’ anymore, but ‘Wednesday 0000hrs’, since technically, the last second of a day is 23:59.59 … 00:00.00 being the first second of a new day.

Haha, sounds like you’re nursing a major hangover.
Do you remember how it was when you were 20? One could drink all night and still be fit in the morning, sigh.
Getting older sucks, I guess, lol.


dec 27th market will start move

Forex Calendar: Economic Calendar for FX Trading News & Event Risk

when JPY report open

But GBP and CAD bank holiday

So the UK and all its Commonwealth States are taking 27th off?
Lazy buggers, lol.



Yep: MAJOR MAJOR hangover. But that’s me isn’t it!!! Never do anything in small or normal ‘doses’. And I know what you mean (about being 20)!!! LOL!!! You’re right: I used to be able to ‘go’ the whole night and then just go straight to work. Now it takes me three DAYS before I begin to feel CLOSE to ‘human’ again.

Oh well: not MUCH ‘damage control’ was needed. One or two ‘deletions’, the odd ‘editing out’ of an ‘expletive’ here and there. Nothing major.

Just one thing: GIVEN that I have such a bad hangover would you tell me IN SIMPLE TERMS if trading is going resume TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT or TOMORROW NIGHT AT MIDNIGHT!!! LOL!!!



Something like that!!! LOL!!!



Go to work tomorrow Dale. Midnight tonight… I think

The way I see it, work will start this night … in something like 7 hours.



Thanks both of you. I get it now. LOL!!! I’d LOVE to be able to say that I’d stay up until midnight ‘just to see’ but THAT is just NOT gonna happen!!! LOL!!!

Anyway: thanks for all the ‘fun’ over the weekend anyway. Some good laughs were given and had by all!!! LOL!!!

Still haven’t heard from ‘Jessica’ yet!!! ROFLMAO!!!



i have RSI EA safe, not for doubling but good daily income, where is the EA market place to sell this?

Market is dead, none of any trading is not working properly, many banks holiday today.

What’s that, a triple negation? :smiley:
I don’t get it.


Haha … we are greedy

CB Consumer Confidence (USD) within 30 min, anyway market is dancing now.