$2.74 To $2740 within 10 days


didnt see no dance leander.

Me neither. I think today has to have been the dullest day of my (trading) life!!! And to make matters worse: I don’t see it changing anytime before 2 January 2010 (and I’m not even sure if the markets are going to be open given that 1 January 2011 is on a Sunday)!!! There’s been slight movement, so far as I can tell, in the FOREX markets but nothing to ‘write home about’ and CERTAINLY not enough reason to have sat here all day watching what’s going on. What happened to our ‘Santa Claus Rally’??? From a bit of information gleaned on the subject (from the Internet and Bloomberg TV): NO ‘Santa Claus Rally’ normally doesn’t bode well for the markets for the coming year.

So right now: I’m sticking with my (Wilder’s) ‘Adam Theory of Markets’ (shorting EUR/USD to almost parity with the USD or better)!!! LOL!!! It’s sure ‘stress free’ that I can tell you!!! LOL!!!




Market opens at 09h00 GMT+2 on Monday (according to my beloved broker anyway).

Three lefts make a right…


Hello fellow Greedies

I think today is the good day for double your money

All banks opened today.

World Financial Markets – Current Open/Closed Status, Opening and Closing Times, and Holiday Schedule, Expressed in Terms of Your Local Time Zone

Forex Market Hours - Forex Market Time Converter

No more economical reports today

Forex Calendar: Economic Calendar for FX Trading News & Event Risk

Hehe, when I said ‘it will be boring until Jan2’, in an earlier post, you replied 'Nono, there will be action before that, you’ll see: :smiley:
And I love the way you’re juggling years in that quote, lol … using 2010 and 2011, when both times, you meant 2012. :smiley:
Looks like Captain Morgan still has you in his evil claws, lol.


Cool, does that mean if I mess up three times, and open positions against the trend, my broker will reimburse me and buy me a burger, too? :smiley:


See, I’ve always known brokers were nice, generous and charitable people!


You’re not joking. The ‘juggling’ I didn’t even notice until now!!! That’s my problem. I don’t drink often but when I do it’s ‘bal*s to the wall’ and then it take me at least three days to feel human. I promise you I’m not STILL ‘at it’!!! LOL!!! Me: I’m going for another ‘five week of abstinence’ stunt!!! It’s just not worth it anymore really.

But I’ll tell you this: I’ve had many a discussion about this subject. Yes: I know that age (getting older) must play a part in this BUT I’m not convinced that the TYPE of alcolhol used in, say, beer (which UNFORTUANTELY I don’t drink i.e. after two beers I feel ‘bloated’) is the same as it was a few years ago. I know one or two people who drink beer like I drink Red Bull (well: the ‘cheaper versions’ of Red Bull since I started trading for a living) and even THEY have said that they’ve noticed that the beer either doesn’t taste the same or definitely has a more ‘chemical’ smell to it than it used to have. What I’m saying is that given the AMOUNT of beer they drink I can only assume that they’re ‘experts in the field’ and that’s what I’ve heard noted in the past few years. I don’t know if there’s any truth to this but I do know that the hangovers I get NOWADAYS are NOTHING like they used to be given the same amout of alcohol (they’re WAY worse). Could there be something to this??? Or have I just ‘fried my brain’ over the past few years and that, coupled with a BIT of ageing, is the problem??? But I’ve noticed too: ‘experts in the drinking field’ also seem to get ‘totalled’ a LOT quicker nowadays (not only me).

Anyway: I’ll probably still be writing or typing ‘2011’ until around June [B]2012[/B]!!! LOL!!!



Yeah, same for me … a night of fun just isn’t worth the 3-4 days it takes to feel human again. That’s why I hardly drink any alcohol nowadays, and if I do, I’m really careful about the amount.

I think it’s the metabolism … just works slower than that of a 20-yr-old kid, so it takes longer to flush the crap outta the system. It’s like wear & tear, I guess. Notice how your 5-yr-old car won’t accelerate as it did when it was brand new, hehe.

Hehe, yah, always takes some time getting used to it.
In any case, I won’t even bother to open a demo account with my newly chosen broker until Jan2 or Jan3.
I’ll just enjoy the holiday season and make use of the time by reading up on trading-related stuff.


What was your favorite BEER Dale? I imagine your capacity now its like 1 bottle BEER share with 4 friends.

Hahah … you know everyone have same feelings doctors says they are not human engineers says they are not human …

Who is the “human” then ???

Are you serious?

I did this type of referral marketing before Google launch in 1997, are you making money in e-gold now?


Hehe, I think the ‘Very helpful discussion’ is slightly sarcastic, seeing as how talking about hangovers and beer isn’t really forex related. :smiley:
I hope the link was posted in the same spirit. ‘You’ll make so many pips your friends will think you’ve robbed a bank’?


Yep that’s what I was thinking, but you never know if someone is a scammer or not.
I mean, even though he may be joking, he is still directing traffic.
I think its weird when people do that. They are lurking, much like I do , then all of a sudden…boom…
I mean if Dale did that, I would understand, because I know he has a sense of humour, even though I have never met him, never seen his face.
But from reading all his posts, I can almost hear the laughter in his voice (not singling you out Dale, just making an example).
But who is this “Fre”, this man/woman who goes by three letters only. Does he really have a sense of humour, or is he selling something.
You never know.
So show yourself Fre…Free yourself. Come on, put one more letter in there, you know you want to.

In any case if this is a tongue in cheek retort, or whatever, then you know what, I like that this is not a really serious thread. I appreciate the wisdom some folks offer on babypips, but you have to see some of the other “serious” discussions that go on…a bit tiring. I’m too old to be intellectual.
Having said that, I come here because the folks who rant on here are pretty intelligent, and I learn a lot from them. Even if I have to hold my nose because of all the alcohol

wow…my longest post…and i said basically nothing.

Hehe, and Fre removed his post … or maybe a Mod did.

I had a look at that video; it starts off: ‘Are you still reacting to every (crappy) forex mail coming into your inbox, or do you want to be serious about it’. Something along these lines.
lol, as if the invitation to go to that site hadn’t arrived in inboxes unsolicitedly as well.
Another useless ‘Get-Rich-with-Forex-by-only-Paying-Me-800-Bucks’ crappy video.
Secret systems … yeah, right.


Probably a mod did it.
Well at least I wasn’t the only sucker to click on the link lol.

But those are the sort of scams that made me suspicious about forex for a long time. I never truly believed it was possible
until I discovered babypips and ICT. I thought the only people making money from it are the banks and …the scammers

NY is going to open within 30 min, there is small spikes started … remember this is year end., somebody is going to make buy/sell decisions right now.

Yesterday around this time there was a spark as well…then it sizzled, then it died. No real liquidity.
Good luck out there.

Hehe, I always watch these videos, because they are hilarious.
This guy spent five minutes putting EAs and Signals down, calling them scams … then proceeded by trying to sell a ‘foolproof software’ to work under MT4 … and give Signals, lmao. Very entertaining.

I think you’re right: probably a Mod checked out that video and decided to delete the post. Links like that are dangerous to newbies.

BabyPips has superior Mods, compared to most forums (forex-related or other) … most Forum Mods just don’t bother to check too carefully, while, from what I’ve seen so far, BP Mods really seem to have a look at [B]every[/B] single post.
This not only keeps the useless-products-links down to a minimum but also goes a long way in ensuring that members don’t get rude or insulting in their posts.


Yeah, most people just stopped trading before Christmas, to start again after New Year … taking a nice break.
I wager liquidity isn’t even 30% of the normal action … maybe a ‘measly trillion’ a day. :smiley:
